Ethics Opinions

The Committee's opinions are filed with the Secretary of the Maryland Judicial Conference (the Administrative Office of the Courts). A request and the opinion filed in response are confidential and, unless otherwise directed by the Supreme Court of Maryland or required by law, are not public information. However, a version redacted to remove the identity and specific court or geographical location of the requester and the identity of other persons mentioned in the opinion is published in the manner that the Secretary deems proper. Amendments to the Code of Conduct have been submitted to the Supreme Court of Maryland by the Judicial Ethics Committee and the Rules Committee. Once the Court has acted on that report, opinions issued under prior versions of the Code of Conduct, but still relevant, will be posted.

Opinion Request NumberIssue DateDescription
2025-0503-11-25Judge participation in analysis of White House Executive Orders in service of MSBA.
2024-4301-10-25Judge’s Participation as a Speaker at a Bar Association Event
2024-2410-17-24Judges’ Signing of Federal U Visa Certifications – Supplemental Opinion
2024-1505-07-24A District Court Commissioner may not work as a real estate agent as secondary employment.
2024-0603-11-24A sitting judge candidate for election may respond to a questionnaire from a non-partisan advocacy group
2023-3210-24-23Judge’s Ability to Serve on MSBA Committee on Ethics Monthly Hotline
2023-2008-21-23Judges’ Signing of Federal U Visa Certifications
2023-0903-27-23Judge’s Attendance at Sponsored Bar Association Event
2023-0502-10-23Judge may not provide recommendation letter in support of individual nominated by the Governor to be Secretary of an Executive Branch Agency
2022-5201-11-23Judge’s Ability to Attend the Inaugural Swearing In and/or Gala of Maryland Governor-Elect
2022-4411-23-22Pro bono activities of a law clerk
2022-3209-01-22Ability of a Judicial Appointee to Accept Donations through a GoFundMe Account
2022-2808-11-22District Court Commissioner Secondary Employment
2022-2607-25-22Ability of active Senior Judge or non-active, fully retired judge to serve on a police discipline trial board
2022-2407-21-22Judge’s ability to give a historical presentation to a church on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization
2022-1805-10-22A Photograph of a Judge with a University President and Other Judges from the Same University May Appear in a University Newsletter or Magazine Directed to Alumni, Alumnae, and Friends of the University
2022-1403-22-22Subject to limitations, a judge may write a letter of recommendation for a lawyer seeking employment
2022-0803-07-22A Judge may permit a law clerk to publish an article in a law journal.
2022-0101-19-22A Judge Cannot Attend a Spouse’s Political Events But Can Be Included in a Family Photograph Used in Campaign Materials
2021-2901-12-22Judge’s Recusal Obligations related to former role in the State's Attorney's Office as Chief of the Circuit Court Division
2021-3201-05-22Judge’s ability to serve on the Frederick County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council
2021-1910-12-21Judge’s ability to participate in a police department’s entry level training program for police recruits
2021-1609-02-21A District Court Commissioner May Serve as A Notary Public
2021-1106-07-21Judge's Recusal Obligations
2021-1006-07-21Judge May Not Perform a Simulated Public Marriage Ceremony
2021-0805-12-21Judge may serve on the board of directors of a local non-profit entity that provides mediation services to litigants who may come before the judge’s court.
2021-0605-11-21Judicial Appointee Use of Medical Marijuana
2021-0303-08-21Judge’s ability to advise other judges and members of the Judiciary that a charitable organization is producing handmade robes
2020-2011-13-20A District Court Commissioner may work as an Advocate with the Youth Advocate Program, Inc.
2020-2211-10-20A Judge may not write a letter to the Attorney Grievance Commission attesting to the character of a former employee
2020-1408-24-20Participation in non-political charity walks by a judge running for election/re-election
2020-1307-22-20Participation in Protests, Marches or Rallies
2020-0205-20-20Judges may preside over swearing-in ceremonies for new Assistant State’s Attorneys that take place in courtrooms during court hours
2020-0404-07-20Campaigning judges are not required to recuse themselves from all proceedings where they have received campaign contributions from the attorneys who are appearing before them. A campaigning judge must assess each situation based on the facts presented and determine whether recusal and/or disclosure is required.
2020-0603-27-20A District Court Commissioner May Not Accept a Temporary Position as a Census Taker/Enumerator
2019-3501-21-20A judge retaining an interest in a real estate partnership with former law partners.
2019-2711-08-19A judge may participate in a study focusing on judicial diversity in state courts subject to certain limitations.
2019-3011-08-19A Circuit Court judge, who is a candidate for election, may use his/her personal social media accounts to notify the public of campaign fundraising events and seek financial support.
2019-3110-25-19A Judge may not appear in an advertisement for a private elementary school.
2019-2810-24-19A sitting judge may permit his/her election committee to send fundraising communications to the local bar association via electronic mail.
2019-2610-15-19A District Court Commissioner may work as a substitute school teacher.
A Judge may, under certain circumstances, identify a suspected victim of human trafficking who appears in his/her court as a party or witness and request assistance for the suspected victim.
2019-2408-29-19A Judge may not provide a reference for a former law clerk, or any attorney, on the attorney rating website Avvo
2019-2208-07-19A Judge need not automatically recuse him/herself from a defendant’s criminal trial merely because the judge presided over a prior protective order or peace order petition involving the defendant
2019-1405-28-19A judge may not permit an incoming law clerk to accept a salary advance from a law firm for which the law clerk will be working after the end of the clerkship
2019-1305-21-19A Judge Participating in an interview that will be published in a book written by a person that the Requestor sentenced 
2018-3801-30-19A District Court Commissioner may not work as an Independent Contractor to sell Beauty Products with Mary Kay Beauty Products
2018-2606-29-18A Judge May Serve as a Judge Advocate Officer in the Reserve of an Armed Service of the United States
2018-1405-31-18The obligations of a non-candidate judge or judicial appointee whose spouse wishes to engage in partisan political activity
2018-1605-16-18A judge may not provide a testimonial
2018-0304-03-18A judicial appointee may not engage in the rideshare business
2017-3712-14-17Judge may appear in his/her robe in campaign photographs. Judicial candidate slate may appear in robes in photograph together
2017-3512-08-17Judge’s ability to encourage attorneys to provide pro bono
public legal services
2017-2811-17-17Disqualification of Judge when Attorney-Acquaintance Appears Before the Judge as a Party or as Advocate for Clients
2017-2109-18-17A Judge’s Disclosure Obligations Regarding Former Law Clerks
2017-1207-25-17Judges may not accept tickets to Baltimore Orioles baseball games to sit in the Governor's Box
2017-1406-20-17A Judge's Attendance at Fund-Raising Events
2017-1306-15-17Judge May Sponsor or Participate in a Public Education Program
2017-1106-09-17A Full-Time Judicial Appointee's Secondary Employment by a Private Business
2017-1006-08-17Judge's Participation in a Charitable Fund-Raising Home Tour
2017-0905-11-17Judicial Appointee's Secondary Employment as a Support Specialist for a Sexual Assault Hotline
2017-0505-10-17Swearing In Officers of a Local Business Chamber of Commerce
2017-0804-05-17Senior Judge's Ability to Serve as "Independent Monitor" of Baltimore City Police Department
2016-2608-25-16A Judge's Service on a Non-Profit Organization's Committee that Performs Fund-Raising
2016-2307-27-16Political Contributions by a Judge's Spouse
2016-1906-20-16An Orphans' Court judge may not act as a mediator except as part of his/her judicial duties. An Orphans' Court judge may serve as a guardian but only in limited circumstances.
2016-1103-31-16A District Court Commissioner may not serve as an election judge
2016-0903-31-16A judicial appointee may not grow, process or dispense medical
2016-0803-23-16A judicial candidate may not host a reception for other judicial candidates seeking election to or retention on another court.
2016-0203-14-16A retiring judge may consent to a county bar association’s commissioning a portrait upon the judge’s retirement.
2015-4702-18-16Judge or a Judicial Appointee May Not Participate in a Spouse's Political Campaign
2015-2706-16-15Magistrate Must Recuse Him/Herself, Under Certain Circumstances, From Matters in Which He/She Provided Legal Advice
2015-1704-22-15Judge May Appear Before Local Governing Bodies or Agencies in Limited Circumstances
2015-1003-27-15Judge May Use Campaign Funds Donated for and Used to Run for Elected Political Office Prior to Being Appointed as a Judge;
Judge May Receive Campaign Contributions from a Non-Judicial Slate of Which the Judge Was a Member While Holding Political Office
2014-3009-25-14Judge May Participate in the "Ice Bucket Challenge" Under Certain Circumstances
2014-2508-04-14Judge May Coach a Basketball Team Under Certain Conditions
2014-0605-06-14Orphans’ Court Judge May Accept Employment with a State or Local Jurisdiction Under Certain Circumstances
2014-1404-16-14Judicial Appointee May Not Host Social Event for Political Candidate
2013-2902-12-14Judges May Solicit Attorneys for Pro Bono Representation of Indigent Parties
2014-0302-05-14Part-Time Master May Not Accept Appointment as Part-Time State’s Attorney in the District Court
2013-1312-16-13Orphans’ Court Judge May Be Employed as a Video Producer Who Produces Commercials for Political Advertising
Orphans’ Court Judge Seeking Re-election May Use Commercial Media for Political Advertising
2013-2612-06-13A Judge May Provide an Introduction to a Book on a Law-Related Subject Published by a Non-Profit Organization
2013-1211-05-13Maryland Judge May Serve as Trustee of a New Jersey Non-Profit Addressing Access to Courts For Low Income/Culturally Disadvantaged Persons
2013-2210-22-13Obligations of a Judge Previously Appointed as Substitute Trustee For Purposes of Residential Foreclosure Proceedings
2013-1609-19-13Master May Serve on Commission on Child Custody Decision Making
2013-1509-18-13Judge May Serve on Commission on Child Custody Decision Making
2013-1408-23-13Judge May Not Appear on Talk Shows to Provide Legal Commentary
2013-1708-14-13Judicial Appointee May Make Loan to a Personal Friend
2013-1108-12-13Judge May Serve on Task Force on Juvenile Court Jurisdiction
2013-1006-03-13Judge, a Former Assistant/Deputy State’s Attorney, May Not Participate in Vote to Appoint a New State’s Attorney When Member of Judge’s Family Would Serve as an Assistant State’s Attorney Under Such Appointee
2012-1503-04-13Recusal of Judge Who Serves As a Hospice Volunteer From Cases Involving The Hospital With Which Such Program is Affiliated and Recusal of Judge Whose Spouse Serves on Hospice Board From Cases Involving Such Program or The Hospital With Which Affiliated
2012-0706-12-12Judge Must Consider Limitations on Use of Social Networking Sites
2012-0604-18-12Judge May Testify as a Fact Witness
2012-0502-27-12Recusal of Judge Whose Spouse is Acting as a Lawyer in a Proceeding Does Not Necessitate That Other Judges of the Same Court Also Recuse Themselves
2011-3101-10-12Judge May Not Appear in a Video Discussing Divorce
2011-2412-14-11Judge May Serve on Public Defender Regional Advisory Board
2011-19, 20, 2108-16-11Circumstances In Which Appellate Judge May Participate In Appellate Review Involving A Corporate Appellant In Which Such Judge Owns Or Has Owned Stock
2011-1708-08-11Judge May Allow Name to be Used on Letterhead of Invitation to Join Alumni Committee of a Non-Profit Legal Services Organization
2011-0704-28-11Judges May Preside Over Proceedings in Which a Party is Represented by an Elected Official with Some Control Over the Court’s Budget
2011-0604-06-11Orphans’ Court Judge May Serve on the Board of Non-Partisan County Business Organization
2011-0404-04-11Judge Not to Serve as President of Civic Organization that Solicits Funds from the Public If Judge Plays Prominent Role in Fundraising
2010-2601-06-11Recalled Judge May Serve on County Governmental Task Force
2010-2201-15-11A Judge May Hire a Law Clerk Who also Serves as an Elected but Unpaid Central Committee Member
2010-1410-08-10Judge may approach law firms and propose that the firms underwrite the compensation of an attorney to provide advocacy to victims of domestic violence.
2010-1208-05-10Judge Has an Ethical Responsibility in Regard to Staff Who Campaign for Candidates Running for Public Office

CAUTION: The following opinions were issued before the adoption of the current Code of Judicial Conduct and are based on the Code, statutes, case law or other law in effect at the time issued. Footnotes with arabic numbering appear in the original opinion. Footnotes with asterisks (*) are editorial notes current as of the date stated.

Opinion Request NumberIssue DateDescription
2010-1107-09-10Auditor May Not Serve on Board of Maryland Transportation Authority
2010-0102-04-10Judge May Be Compensated for Teaching Law Course to Maryland State Police Recruits
2009-1812-21-09Whether Judge May Be Involved in a Case after Recusal Depends on Circumstances
2009-1411-23-09District Court Commissioner May Accept Part-time and/or Seasonal Employment With an Executive Branch Agency
2009-1611-16-09Judge May Keep Prize Obtained in a Raffle
2009-1511-16-09Judge May Not Render an Opinion in a Case Pending Before a Foreign Court
2009-1310-19-09Recalled Judge May Continue To Sit In Maryland Courts If Appointed As Alternate Land Commissioner For The United States District Court For The District of Maryland
2009-0207-28-09Judge May Accept Appointment as Member of Maryland Children’s Justice Act Committee
2008-4003-04-09District Court Commissioner May Serve as Volunteer Firefighter
2008-4301-30-09At Sentencing or Bail Hearing, Judge May Not Ask Criminal Defendant, Who is Represented by Counsel and Requesting Probation/Bail, to Divulge Defendant’s Immigration Status
2008-2512-30-08Judge May Sit on the Board of Directors of The Good Shepherd Center
2007-1110-14-08Judge May Not Accept Appointment as Member of Local Management Board
2008-31/3209-12-08Judge May Endorse Proclamation Encouraging Cooperative Discovery
2008-1307-31-08Master Not to Input Court-related Information into Case Logs Maintained by State Child Support Administration
2008-1207-22-08Judge Serving on Juvenile Drug Court May Not Sit on Board of Directors of Non-Profit Organization That Counsels and Treats Juvenile Drug Offenders
2008-1806-11-08Judge May Lecture at Training Session Co-Hosted by a Law Firm and Bar Counsel, and Sponsored by a Liability Insurance Carrier
2008-1405-14-08Retired Judge May Identify Judicial Status When Soliciting for Work as an Arbitrator or Mediator
2008-1105-14-08Judge May Serve as the President of a Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)
2007-0404-30-08What are the requirements of an administrative judge whose court issues a request for bids with regard to conflicts with potential bidders?
2008-0604-07-08Judge, as Trustee of a College, May Co-Host an Outreach Event for Alumni Who are Lawyers in Order to Stimulate Interest in the College and Inform Attendees Abo
2008-0501-30-08Judge May Not Serve on the Board of Charitable Organization Likely to Appear in Judge’s Court
2007-1802-04-08Retired Judge, Approved for Recall, May Serve as Personal Rrepresentative of an Estate
2007-1009-25-07Disclosure and/or Recusal of Judge Who Leases Property to a Lawyer Who Appears Before the Judge

Judge’s Bailiff Should Not Serve on Liquor Control Board

2007-0605-30-07Retired Judge Eligible for Recall May Not Serve on County Planning Commission
2006-1109-28-06Judge’s Participation in Television Commercial for Medical Procedure
2006-0510-23-06Judge May Query Sua Sponte Whether Collection Claim Is Time Barred
2006-0104-10-06Judge May Not Raise Defense Sua Sponte
2005-2103-17-06Recusal Required When Counsel is Judge’s “Alter Ego”
2005-1612-13-05Sitting Judge Not to Allow Law Firm to Pay for Investiture Party
2005-1109-23-05Judge as Director of Non-Profit Organization for Soliciting Funds for Drug Courts
2004-2412-03-04Judge May Serve on Local Substance Abuse Council
2004-0704-02-04Duty and Ability of Judge to Report Criminal Conduct Revealed in Unrelated Litigation
2003-2601-13-04Retired Judge Not to Identify Judicial Status When Signing Opinions/Decisions in Extra-Judicial ADR Proceedings or on Letterhead Used for Extra-Judicial Activity - WITHDRAWN
2003-1008-27-03Judge’s Receipt or Consideration of Home Study or Custody Investigation by Court’s Social Worker Not ex Parte Communication
2003-0101-30-03Fees Earned Before Appointment as a Master; Acceptance of Gift
2002-1810-18-02Inappropriate for Judge to Facilitate Defendant’s Offer of Donation to Satisfy Previously Imposed Traffic Fine
2002-0708-30-02(corrected) Judge-Candidate May Attend Fund-Raising Events for Candidates for Non-Judicial Office
2002-0303-13-02Maryland Judge May Participation on Merit Selection Panel for U. S. Magistrate Judges
2001-3312-05-01Judge’s Attendance at Fund-Raising Event for Judicial Candidate
2001-1007-13-01Judge-Candidate’s Participation in Joint Fund-Raiser with Non-Judicial Candidate
2001-0104-30-01Judge Not to Write Recurring Column on Legal Matters in National Magazine for Compensation
1999-1105-11-00Recognition as Judicial Fellow
1999-1003-06-00Guilty Plea/Verdict — Solicitation of Funds
1999-0902-02-00Limitations on Honoraria
1999-0806-11-99Stetting Charge ─ Solicitation of Funds
1997-1202-09-98Expense-Paid Trip Is Substantial Gift from Entity Whose Interest Could Be Submitted To Judge At Any Time
1997-0403-31-97Endorsement of Candidate for Bar Association Office
1996-2010-22-96Solicitation of Attorneys for Pro Bono Work
1995-0608-31-95Judge Should Not Serve on Arbitration Association Advisory Board
1994-0608-11-94Judge's Membership in All Male Private Social Club
1989-0612-12-89Judges Should Not Make Collective Recommendations on Candidates Being Considered By Judicial Nominating Commission
1989-0204-26-89Judge May Not Engage in Business That Would Likely Involve Prestige of Office
1988-0411-15-88Judge May Be Post Commander or District Advocate of the Veterans of Foreign Wars If Soliciting of Funds or Rendering of Legal Advice or Assistance Is Not Involved
1988-0301-17-89Judge May Not Accept Commission on Staff of Adjutant General's Office of State Militia
1988-0208-25-88Under Particular Circumstances, Judge May Lecture At Training Session of Attorneys in Law Firm
1988-0108-16-88Judge May Not Serve on Board of Community College Foundation Devoted Primarily to Fund-raising for College
1987-0511-12-87Judge May Not Serve As Member of Hospital or Nursing Home Committee Which Gives Advice Concerning Treatment or Nontreatment of Patients
1987-0307-29-87Judge May Chair Task Force for Justice Fellowship
1986-0803-27-87Retired Judge Subject to Recall May Participate in Ecclesiastical Proceedings Involving Annulments of Marriage
1986-0305-14-86Master Who Is Granted Leave of Absence Is Subject to Standard XXII, Prohibiting Partisan Political Activity
1985-0602-10-86Political Activity By Judge's Spouse
1985-0402-14-86Judge Who Is Candidate for Election May Have His or Her Name on a Ticket with Nonjudicial Candidates
1985-0208-19-85Appellate Judge Should Recuse Him or Herself from Cases Decided By Trial-Court-Judge-Sibling
1984-0801-3-85Judge May Continue to Own Real Property Where It Is Necessary to Institute Suit to Quiet Title
1984-0511-5-84Disqualification of Judge Who is Co-Owner of Property With Lawyer Who Appears Before Judge
1984-0408-31-84Judge May Not Be Used as Reference Source for Fund-raising Endeavors by Charity
1984-0308-31-84Judge May Not Refer DWI Defendant to Private Alcohol Program in Which the Judge or a Close Relative Has Financial Interest
1983-0905-21-84Judge Not Absolutely Prohibited from Attending Social Function as Guest of Attorney
1983-0410-28-83Judge May Not Apply to Central Committee for Appointment to Vacancy in Legislative Position Without First Resigning Judicial Position
1983-0306-27-83Judge Not to Lecture At Nearby Private Rehabilitation Facilities; Not to Speak At Fundraisers; May Otherwise Engage in Educational Activities and Tape Lectures for Sale
1982-1207-06-82Judge Not to Make Voluntary Recommendations of Former Constituents Unless Judge Has Special Knowledge of Their Qualifications
1982-0507-12-82Judge May Request Zoning Change or Protest Activities of Others Relating to Judge's Property
1982-0204-21-82Judge Not to Serve on Ethics Commission of Governmental Entity
1982-0103-18-82Orphans' Court Judge Not to Write Probate Bonds in Insurance Business
1981-1401-25-82No Impropriety in Judge Leasing Building to State Agency and Sitting In Cases Involving Agency
1981-0910-30-81Judge Not to Hear Cases Involving Successor Law Firm From Which Judge Receives Referral Payments
1981-0812-03-81Judge Not to Hear Cases Involving Associate of Successor Law Firm Making Referral Payments Who Has Contract With Public Defender
1981-0710-14-81Judge Not to Sit in Case Involving Regulations Promulgated By Subdivision Association of Which Judge Is Member
1981-0103-02-81Judge May Accept Invitations to Bar Association Functions With or Without Paying; May Not Hear Case Involving Brother's Wife But Not Absolutely Disqualified in Case Involving Father of Brother's Wife
1980-1011-25-80Judge May Serve as Vestryman of Church; May Hear Cases in Which Former Law Professor Is Counsel
1980-0911-28-80Judge May Serve on Advisory Committee Regarding County's Establishment of Equestrian Center
1980-0808-29-80Appellate Judge Running for Retention in Office May Engage in Same Political Activity as Similarly Situated Circuit Court Judge
1980-0707-11-80Judge May Write Introduction to Book on Alcoholism Recommending It to Judges and Other Professionals
1980-0410-29-80Judge May Continue as Co-Trustee of Uncle's Will Despite County's Jurisdiction Over Trust
1980-0304-23-80Judge May Establish Blind Trust for Funds Raised By Others to Pay Judge's Defense Attorney's Fees
1980-0101-04-80Judge May Recommend Candidates for Judicial Appointments Whether Requested To Do So Or Not
1979-1411-20-80Judge May Invest in Municipal Bond Fund But Not Sit in Case Involving Certain Issues in Which Judge Has More Than $1,000 Interest
1979-1210-29-80Judge May Act as Co-Trustee But Not Hear Cases Involving Trust or Corporations in Which Trust Holds Stock of Value Exceeding $1,000
1979-1101-23-80Master May Solicit Support for Judicial Appointment From Lawyers Appearing Before Master
1979-0909-14-79Judge May Not Serve As Director of County's Office of Civil Defense and Disaster Preparedness
1979-0806-22-79Judge May Serve as Trustee of University Foundation
1979-0709-13-79Judge May Serve on County Alcoholism Advisory Council; Not to Lecture on Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Clinics
1979-0601-04-80Judge May Be Guest of Honor at Nonfundraiser Although Surplus of Ticket Sales Goes to Undesignated Charity
1979-055-25-79Judge May Serve as Treasurer of Bar Association
1979-0301-04-80Judge May Own Building Leased to Lawyer And Hear Cases Involving Tenant; May Negotiate Lease and Collect Rents
1979-023-12-79Induction Ceremonies May Be Photographed and Televised By News Media
1979-0101-31-79Judge Not to Attend Fundraisers for Spouse Reelection
1978-0701-16-7[9]Judge's Campaign Committee Not to Contribute to Campaign Committee of Judges in Another Jurisdiction
1978-0503-23-79Judge May Serve as Personal Representative in Non-Maryland Estate
1978-0406-30-78Judge May Co-Own Land With Former Partners But Not Actively Manage or Dispose of It; Not to Hear Cases in Which Partners Personally Appear
1978-0305-08-78Judge May Serve on College's Board of Governors But Cannot Be Involved in Fund-raising
1978-0205-08-78Judge Running for Election May Participate in Fundraisers to Promote Candidacy of Others
1977-1212-20-77Judge Not to Serve as Legal Evaluator of Research Projects for Hospital
1977-1012-07-77Judge Not to Serve as Personal Representative of Estate Of Or Guardian For Nonrelatives
1977-0911-30-77Judge May Serve as Trustee of Religious Foundation But May Not Give Advice
1977-0810-21-77Orphans' Court Judge May Not Act as Auctioneer in Estate Sales
1977-0610-17-77Judge May Purchase Building in Another Circuit But Not Actively Manage Property or Negotiate Purchase or Sale
1977-0506-27-77Judge May Recommend Lawyer for Martindale-Hubbell; May Recommend Applicant to Educational Institution Using Judicial Stationery
1977-0306-16-77Recusal Not Required in Case Involving Law Firm in Which Judge's Son Is Salaried Associate
1977-0203-07-77Judge May Teach Law and Supervise Other Teachers in Proprietary School
1977-0102-23-77Judge May Hear Case Involving Child as Witness on Undisputed or Formal Matters
1976-1301-17-77Judge May Hold Stock in Businesses, If Not Frequent Litigators, But Not Hear Matters Affecting Holdings
1976-1110-04-76Judge May Own Building Leased to Lawyer; Not Disqualified From Hearing Cases in Which Tenant Is Counsel
1976-0909-20-76Judge Not to Act as Uncompensated Arbitrator in Pending Court Case
1976-0807-08-76Judge May Solicit and Receive Compensation for Writings on Foreign Judicial System
1976-0707-08-76Lawyers and Laymen May Solicit Funds for Restoring Art Objects in Courthouse If Judges Not Involved in Fund-raising
1976-0503-17-76Judge May Speak on Duties of Judges Before Political Organization But Leave After Speech
1976-0402-25-76Contributions to Judge's Election Campaign May Be Made to Either Campaign Committee Treasurer or Judge's Campaign Treasurer
1976-0302-20-76Canons and Rules of Judicial Ethics Not Applicable to Judge's Spouse
1976-0102-06-76Judge May Manage Affairs of Spouse's Cousin Under Power of Attorney But Not Hold Legal Title to Assets
1975-1110-21-75Judge May Participate in Videotaping of Juvenile Proceedings for Educational Purposes Away from Actual Courtroom
1975-1010-21-75Judge Not to Serve as Church Treasurer
1975-0910-3-75Judge Not to Serve on Legal Advisory Board of Charitable Organization
1975-0807-07-75Judge Running for Election May Attend Fundraisers and Contribute to Political Party Which Supports Judge's Candidacy
1975-0705-28-75Judge May Appear in Unsponsored Film for Charitable Organization If Film Not Used for Fund-raising
1975-0605-22-75Judge May Own Real Estate But Not Actively Manage Property or Negotiate Sale
1975-0404-17-75Judge May Be Unpaid Coexecutor of Will of Spouse's Uncle in Another State
Canons and Rules Do Not Bar Serving as Coexecutor in Another State; Committee Declined to Interpret Statute
1975-0304-03-75Judge Not to Participate in Services Auction Run by Religious Organization
1975-0102-19-75Judge Not to Be Guest of Honor at Fundraiser
1974-0912-27-74Judge May Appear as Judge in Mock Trial on Television; Actual Courtroom and Jury Panel Not to Be Used
1974-0812-26-74Judge Not to Hear Cases Involving Attorney-Nephews of Spouse or Which Could Substantially Affect Nephew's Interest in Law Firm
1974-0610-23-74Judge May Contract with Successor in Law Practice for Payments of Indefinite Amounts in Contingent-Fee or Like Matters
1974-0507-22-74Judge Running Unopposed May Participate, But Not Solicit or Contribute Funds, in Election Campaigns of Opposed Judges
1974-0304-25-74Judges in United Campaign for Reelection May Work for Election of Each Other
1974-0204-29-74Judge May Attend Testimonial Dinner Given in Judge's Honor If Not Related to Fund-raising
1974-0104-03-74Photograph of Judge in Judicial Robes May Be Used in Judge's Election Campaign
1973-0707-16-73Judge May Participate in Filming by U.S. Government Agency of Simulated Grand Jury Proceedings
1973-0605-23-73Newly Appointed Judge May Participate in Political Gatherings Relating to Judge's Election
1973-0505-16-73Judge May Participate in Taping of Mock Trial for Unsponsored Television Show Unless Tape Used for Fund-raising
1973-0304-23-73Judge May Serve as Unpaid Director of Charitable Corporation Operating Senior Citizen Apartments But Prohibited in Solicitation of Funds
1973-0101-30-73Judge Not to Serve as Director of Corporation Operating Radio Station
1972-0207-14-72Judge Not to Render Accounting Services to Clients
1972-0104-07-72Judge Not Running for Election Not to Participate in or Contribute to Other Judicial Election Campaigns
1971-0602-01-72Judge May Serve as Paid Corporate Director of Newspaper Publisher with Restrictions
1971-0503-01-72Judge May Serve on Board, But Not Participate in Funding Activities, of Charitable and Educational Organizations Not Related to Work of Court
1971-0412-14-71Judge May Serve as Personal Representative of Father's Estate; May Not Serve as Director of Insurance Brokerage Firm