Attorney Status
If you need publicly available information about a particular attorney and their status with the Bar of Maryland, click here and search for the attorney by name. In addition, you can find information about attorneys who are temporarily suspended or decertified for failure to pay annual assessments or to make annual reports here.
Further information regarding attorneys can be found at the links below:
- Information about attorneys' annual compliance requirements
- Information About Obtaining a Certificate of Good Standing
- Information for Attorneys About Other Administrative Matters
Obtaining a Certificate of Good Standing
To obtain a Certificate of Good Standing, log in to the Attorney Information System and select the tab for “Certificate of Good Standing.” You will be charged $7.00 and a small convenience fee. A certificate with a printed seal will be available to you immediately. You can also request a certificate with a raised seal to be mailed to you. A guide for ordering a certificate of good standing can be found here.
You can also request a certificate through the mail. A fillable request form can be found here. Mail the form and the $7.00 fee to the Clerk’s Office at the address on the form.
Information for Attorneys Regarding Other Administrative Matters
If you want to:
- Change your name in the Attorney Information System (“the Roll of Attorneys"), please submit a written request stating exactly how you would like your name to appear and provide proof of the name change (marriage certificate, court order, divorce decree). If you would like a new Bar Certificate reflecting your name change, please submit a written request indicating where you would like the wall certificate mailed, along with payment of $20.00 (as a check or money order made out to Clerk of the Supreme Court, or in cash).
- To Request a Copy of Your Bar Application or Request Other Information or Assistance Regarding Your Status As an Attorney, please contact the Clerk's Office at 410-260-1500.
- Obtain a Statement of Disciplinary History, send a signed letter requesting the statement to the Attorney Grievance Commission, Office of Bar Counsel, 200 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Suite 300, Annapolis, Maryland 21401 or [email protected]. Please call Bar Counsel at (410)514-7051 if you have additional questions.
- Resign from the Practice of Law, review Rule 19-735 and submit your application to the Clerk of the Court along with the $61.00 filing fee. You may also consider entering inactive or retired status.
For further information, please contact the Clerk’s Office at (410)260-1500.