Filing Briefs with the Supreme Court

  • e-Filing of Briefs
    All briefs are required to be filed electronically in all cases, even cases from non-MDEC jurisdictions using the MDEC system. Eight papers copies of the brief must also be filed in the Clerk's Office. Rule 20-404 and Rule 20-406.
  • Covers of briefs:
    Please note that both the front cover AND the back cover must be the color indicated below. NO plastic covers, please. Rule 8-503(c)
    a. Appellant's brief - white
    b. Appellee's brief - blue
    c. Reply brief - tan
    d. Amicus curiae brief - gray
    e. Cross-appellant's reply brief - orange
  • Numbering of Pages; Binding
    The pages of a brief should be consecutively numbered. The brief shall be securely bound along the left margin. Rule 8-503(a)
  • Length of Briefs
    Rule 8-503(d)
    a. Principal brief of an appellant or appellee shall not exceed 13,000 words. Rule 8-503(d)(1). This limitation does not apply to the table of contents or citations required by Rule 8-504(a)(1).
    b. Reply brief shall not exceed 6,500 words. Rule 8-503(d)(3)
    c. Amicus brief shall not exceed 6,500 words. Rule 8-503(d)(4)(B)
    d. Cross-appellant reply brief shall not exceed 6,500 words. Rule 8-503(3)
    e. Reply brief to amicus shall not exceed 3,900 words. Rule 8-511(g)
  • Form of Court Papers
    Rule 8-112
    a. Pursuant to the Supreme Court's September 27, 2023 Administrative Order, the following fonts are approved for papers filed in the Supreme Court:
    • Arial Nova
    • Bookman Old Style
    • Century Schoolbook
    • Georgia
    • Georgia Pro
    • Helvetica
    • Lexend
    • Times New Roman
  • b. Computer generated briefs should be printed double-spaced (with the exception of headings, idented quotations, and footnotes) on 8 ½ x 11 inch paper with 1 inch or greater margins. Character type size should not be less than 13 points for proportionally spaced fonts.
  • c. The form for the required Certification of Word Count and Compliance with Rule 8-112 is available here [PDF][DOC]. See Rule 8-504(a)(9)(A)

For more information or clarification, refer to Chapter 500 of Title 8 of the Maryland Rules. Title 8