Dawne D. Lindsey was appointed Clerk of Circuit Court for Allegany County by Judge Sharer and Judge Leasure on July 1, 2001. Since that appointment she has been elected to serve as the Clerk of Court of Allegany County since her first election in November 2002.
As Clerk of Circuit Court for Allegany County, Mrs. Lindsey has served on many committees statewide to benefit the Maryland court system and Allegany County residents. She has served as president of Maryland Circuit Court Clerk's Association, chairman of Maryland Record Retention Committee, chair of the Conference of Circuit Court Clerks and is a member of the Maryland Rules Committee. She also has organized and presented workshops on various topics such as child support, the Maryland Rules of Procedure, criminal procedures, access to pleadings and the electronic processing of pleadings to staff across the State of Maryland. In 2023, Mrs. Lindsey was awarded the Kathy P. Smith Award for Excellence in Professional Development.
Since Mrs. Lindsey has been in office, programs have been put in place to ensure that Allegany County consistently meets yearly case time standards and improve accessibility to the court. Mrs. Lindsey and her staff strive to ensure that each person who comes in contact with the Allegany County Clerk's Office, receives accurate, courteous, and professional access to justice.
Mrs. Lindsey was born and raised in Mt. Savage, Maryland. She is a graduate of Mt. Savage High School and West Virginia University, where she received her Bachelor of Science in business administration. In addition to receiving her ICM certification, she graduated as a Fellow from the National Center for State Courts in 2019. She resides in Frostburg with her husband, Gary. She has 2 children, Hayley, who works for the US Forest Service as a Forest Ranger and Hayden, who is the Director of Public Works for the City of Frostburg, MD.