E-filing Service Providers

Maryland’s e-filing model provides the public with a choice from among several e-filing service providers. Any company that wishes to become a Vendor Electronic Filing Service Provider (VEFSP) in Maryland must complete a certification process through the Administrative Office of the Courts. 

A VEFSP provides an online service to help you file your documents. Each VEFSP offers a variety of different costs and features and you should evaluate which provider meets your filing needs. 

The Maryland Electronic Court (MDEC) vendor, Tyler Technologies provides a simple e-filing service provider to everyone, at no-cost, other than the court costs established by law, and any credit card or electronic check transaction fees. 


E-Filers: Choose a Vendor Electronic Filing Service Provider

ABC LegalGreenFilingLegal Technologies
(Landlord/Tenant Cases Only)
Auto AdminInfoTrackRapid Legal
Court Filing MarylandINTELeTech
(Landlord/Tenant Cases Only)
Tyler Technologies
File & ServeXpressLegal Automation SystemsUS Legal Pro

Step 1: Choose an e-filing service provider and register to e-file. 

When you have chosen your provider, you will need to agree to the provider's terms and conditions and register a valid email address where you agree to receive electronic notifications concerning your filings. Note: If you are already registered with the State Provided VEFSP, i.e., Odyssey File & Serve, you do not need to re-register.

Step 2: E-file Documents
Your filing process may vary depending on the provider you choose.

Step 3: Stay Informed
You will be notified by email when filings are fully accepted, deficient, or stricken. 

Note: You can return to any e-filing service provider if you need to file additional documents.
Filings may be subject to additional terms and fees.