- Alternatives to Guardianship Part 1: Introduction
- Alternatives to Guardianship Part 2: Advance Directives
- Alternatives to Guardianship Part 3: Surrogate Decision-Making
- Alternatives to Guardianship Part 4: Assistance with Personal Needs
- Alternatives to Guardianship Part 5: Powers of Attorney
- Alternatives to Guardianship Part 6: Representative Payees
- Alternatives to Guardianship Part 7: Banking services, ABLE Accounts, Trusts, and Specific Transactions
- Alternatives to Guardianship Part 8: Supported Decision-Making
- Alternatives to Guardianship Part 9: Exploring the Options with a Mediator
- Alternatives to Guardianship Part 10: Preparing for Mediation
- Adult Guardianship: Introduction to Adult Guardianship
- Adult Guardianship: The Role of Guardian of the Person
- Adult Guardianship: The Role of Guardian of the Property
- Guardian Video Series
- Family Court Video Library
- Court Help Video Library
This video was supported, in part, by a grant (No. 90EJIG0027-01-00) from the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Grantees carrying out projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Therefore, points of view or opinions do not necessarily represent official ACL or DHHS policy.
Este video fue financiado, en parte, por una subvención (N.º 90EJIG0027-01-00) de la Administración para la Vida Comunitaria (ACL), del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos (DHHS). Se recomienda a los beneficiarios de las subvenciones que realizan proyectos con el patrocinio del gobierno a que expresen libremente sus hallazgos y conclusiones. Esto significa que los puntos de vista u opiniones no representan necesariamente la política oficial de la ACL o del DHHS. Por lo tanto, los puntos de vista u opiniones no representan necesariamente las políticas oficiales de la Administración para la Vida Comunitaria (ACL por sus siglas en inglés) ni del HHS.