Completing the Annual Performance Appraisal (Non-Manager Employee)


In this topic, you will rate yourself on 5 competencies, enter comments to support your rating, and submit the evaluation for review and approval.


  1. Click in the User ID field.

    Step 1
  2. a valid value
     into the User ID field.

    Step 2
  3. Click in the Password field.

    Step 3
  4. a valid value
     into the Password field.

    Step 4
  5. Click the Sign In button.

    Step 5
  6. Click the Main Menu button.

    Step 6
  7. Click the Self Service menu.

    Step 7
  8. Click the Performance Management menu.

    Step 8
  9. Click the My Performance Documents menu.

    Step 9
  10. Click the Current Documents menu.

    Step 10
  11. Click the Annual Performance Appraisal link.

    Step 11
  12. Notice the steps instructing the employee to complete the self evaluation by 12/26/15.

    Step 12

  13. In this example, the indicator is yellow indicating the self evaluation is not complete.


    The indicator will turn green when the self evaluation is complete.

    Step 13

  14. Click the Expand link to view all the competency details for this evaluation.

    Step 14
  15. Click the Vertical scrollbar to move down the page.

    Step 15
  16. Click the Employee Rating drop-down list.

    Step 16
  17. Click the Meets Standards list item.

    Step 17
  18. Click in the Employee Comments field.

    Step 18
  19. It is recommended that you enter comments to support each of your ratings. In the CONNECT system, you will type your comments into the Comments field.


    For the purposes of training however, comments to support this rating have been entered for you.

    Step 19

  20. Click the Vertical scrollbar to move down the page.

    Step 20
  21. Click the Employee Rating drop-down list.

    Step 21
  22. Click the Exceeds Standards list item.

    Step 22
  23. Click in the Employee Comments field.

    Step 23
  24. Comments to support this rating have been entered for you.

    Step 24

  25. Click the Vertical scrollbar to move down the page.

    Step 25
  26. Click the Employee Rating drop-down list.

    Step 26
  27. Click the Meets Standards list item.

    Step 27
  28. Click in the Employee Comments field.

    Step 28
  29. Comments to support this rating have been entered for you.

    Step 29

  30. Click the Vertical scrollbar to move down the page.

    Step 30
  31. Click the Employee Rating drop-down list.

    Step 31
  32. Click the Exceeds Standards list item.

    Step 32
  33. Click in the Employee Comments field.

    Step 33
  34. Comments to support this rating have been entered for you.

    Step 34

  35. Click the Vertical scrollbar to move down the page.

    Step 35
  36. Click the Employee Rating drop-down list.

    Step 36
  37. Click the Exceeds Standards list item.

    Step 37
  38. Click in the Employee Comments field.

    Step 38
  39. Comments to support this rating have been entered for you.

    Step 39

  40. Click the Calculate Rating button in the Competencies Summary section.

    Step 40
  41. Notice the overall rating was automatically calculated based on the ratings you assigned to each competency.

    Step 41
  42. Click the Vertical scrollbar to move down the page.

    Step 42
  43. Click in the Employee Comments field.

    Step 43
  44. Comments to support the overall rating have been entered for you.

    Step 44

  45. Click the Save button.

    Step 45
  46. Click the Complete button.

    Step 46
  47. Click the Confirm button.

    Step 47
  48. Notice the indicator is green indicating you have completed the self evaluation.

    Step 48

  49. Click the View link.

    Step 49
  50. Click the Expand link.

    Step 50
  51. Notice you can view the section details but cannot edit these details since it was submitted to your manager for review.

    Step 51

  52. Click the Vertical scrollbar to move down the page.

    Step 52
  53. Review the remaining details as desired.

    Step 53

  54. Click the Home link.

    Step 54
  55. Click the Sign out link.

    Step 55

You have completed the topic "Completing the Annual Performance Appraisal (Non-Manager Employee)".

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