Favorites Menu


During this topic you will learn how to maximize the use of the favorites menu by adding and editing your list of commonly used pages.


  1. Click the Sign In button.

    Step 1
  2. Click the Favorites button.

    Step 2
  3. Use the Favorites menu to quickly access (without menu navigation) the last several Recently Used pages and any pages that you've added to My Favorites.

    Step 3

  4. Click the Main Menu button.

    Step 4
  5. For example if you access the Manager Dashboard page often, this page can be added to your Favorites.


    Navigate to the Manager Dashboard page.


    Click the Manager Self Service menu.

    Step 5
  6. Click the Manager Dashboard menu.

    Step 6
  7. Once the page loads we can add it to our favorites list.

    Step 7

  8. Click the Favorites button.

    Step 8
  9. Click the Add to Favorites menu.

    Step 9
  10. You may change the description here if you like. For this lesson, we will accept the default.


    Click in the Description field.

    Step 10
  11. Click the OK button.

    Step 11
  12. Click the OK button.

    Step 12
  13. We will add another page to our favorites. For this example we will navigate to the Person Profile page.


    Click the Main Menu button.

    Step 13
  14. Click the Workforce Development button.

    Step 14
  15. Click the Profile Management menu.

    Step 15
  16. Click the Profiles menu.

    Step 16
  17. Click the Person Profiles menu.

    Step 17
  18. We will repeat the same steps to add Person Profiles to our favorites.


    Click the Favorites button.

    Step 18
  19. Click the Add to Favorites menu.

    Step 19
  20. Click in the Description field.

    Step 20
  21. Click the OK button.

    Step 21
  22. Click the OK button.

    Step 22
  23. Let's view our new additions.


    Click the Favorites button.

    Step 23
  24. Manager Dashboard and Person Profiles are now in the My Favorites list.

    Step 24

  25. Use the Edit Favorites page to control the order in which you want your favorites to appear in the Favorites menu and to delete favorites.


    Click the Edit Favorites menu.

    Step 25
  26. Use Sequence number to order your favorites.


    Click in the Sequence number field.

    Step 26
  27. Press [Backspace] to delete the current data.

    Step 27
  28. Manager Dashboard will be the first in the sequence.


    Enter "1" into the Sequence number field.

    Step 28
  29. Click in the Sequence number field.

    Step 29
  30. Press [Backspace] to delete the current data.

    Step 30
  31. Person Profiles will be second in the sequence.


    Enter "2" into the Sequence number field.

    Step 31
  32. Click in the Sequence number field.

    Step 32
  33. Press [Backspace] to delete the current data.

    Step 33
  34. Job Data will now be third in the sequence.


    Enter "3" into the Sequence number field.

    Step 34
  35. You must save after editing or deleting.


    Click the Save button.

    Step 35
  36. Clear the page display.


    Click the Home link.

    Step 36
  37. Let's view our changes.


    Click the Favorites button.

    Step 37
  38. Notice how the order of My Favorites is now in the sequence we created.

    Step 38

  39. You have completed learning how to add pages to My Favorites list menu.


    Click the Sign out link.

    Step 39

Congratulations! You have learned how to add pages to the favorites menu list for quick access to your most used pages in CONNECT.

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