Viewing My Historical Profiles


In this topic, you will view your historical profiles.


  1. Click in the User ID field.

    Step 1
  2. a valid value
     into the User ID field.

    Step 2
  3. Click in the Password field.

    Step 3
  4. a valid value
     into the Password field.

    Step 4
  5. Click the Sign In button.

    Step 5
  6. Click the Main Menu button.

    Step 6
  7. Click the Self Service menu.

    Step 7
  8. Click the Learning and Development menu.

    Step 8
  9. Click the My Historical Profile menu.

    Step 9
  10. By default, CONNECT displays your competencies as of the current date. In this example, the current date is 08/26/2015.


    On 08/26/2015, Patrick had two competencies: Decision Making and Attendance.


    To view historical profile details, enter a date prior to the current date.

    Step 10

  11. Click the Profile Actions drop-down list.

    Step 11
  12. Click the View As Of Another Date list item.

    Step 12
  13. Click the Go button.

    Step 13
  14. Click in the As Of Date field.

    Step 14
  15. Press [Backspace].

    Step 15
  16. a valid value
     into the As Of Date field.

    Step 16
  17. Click the OK button.

    Step 17
  18. Notice the Decision Making competency is no longer displayed.


    Patrick's only competency on 06/01/2015 was Attendance.

    Step 18

  19. Click the Qualifications tab.

    Step 19
  20. Notice Patrick's qualifications did not change between 06/01/2015 and 08/26/2015.

    Step 20

  21. Click the Home link.

    Step 21
  22. Click the Sign out link.

    Step 22

You have completed the topic "Viewing My Historical Profiles".

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