Using Search Pages


During this topic we will demonstrate the use of search pages.


  1. Click the Sign In button.

    Step 1
  2. Click the Main Menu button.

    Step 2
  3. Click the Organizational Development menu.

    Step 3
  4. Click the Position Management menu.

    Step 4
  5. Click the Maintain Positions/Budgets menu.

    Step 5
  6. Click the Add/Update Position Info menu.

    Step 6
  7. When you select a page, the system often displays a Find an Existing Value tab that enables you to do a basic search.


    For this example enter "59" into the Position Number field.

    Step 7
  8. There are two types of search pages: the basic search page and the advanced search page. When you select a page, the system often displays an advanced search page on the Find an Existing Value tab. You may also click the Add a New Value tab to add a new row of data to the table.


    Click the Basic Search link.

    Step 8
  9. In general, a basic search page offers just one or two fields in which you may perform your search. You designate which key field you want to search with by entering text in the Search by field.


    Click the Search button.

    Step 9
  10. A list of Position Numbers that use the Position are displayed in the Search Results grid.

    Step 10

  11. With a basic search, you have the option of changing your search criteria. The Search by list box enables you to select different search keys to search against the database. You can also enter full or partial values for the key field. For example, you may not know the Position Number, but you know that the position number begins with a "59".


    Click the Search by list.

    Step 11
  12. Click the Job Code list item.

    Step 12
  13. We know the Job Code we are searching for begin with 63. Enter "63" into the begins with field.

    Step 13
  14. Click the Search button.

    Step 14
  15. The Search Results show all rows matching your search criteria. In this case, these are all the Job Codes in the database with codes that begin with 63. You are looking for the HR Specialist III. With a basic search, only the first column in the Search Results list is displayed as a link.


    Click the 6344 link.

    Step 15
  16. The Position Information page is displayed and includes the Job Code field HR Specialist III.

    Step 16

  17. Click to scroll down the page.

    Step 17
  18. If you want to look at data for another job code you can click the Return to Search button at the bottom of the page.


    Click the Return to Search button.

    Step 18
  19. The system returns you to the advanced search page with the criteria from the previous search displayed.


    If you want to search again with new criteria, you can use the Clear button. The Clear button refreshes the page without saving so you can enter new criteria.


    Click the Clear button.

    Step 19
  20. The options on the advanced search page enable you to narrow your search by entering values in more than one type of criteria. The advanced search page contains several keys to search for your record.


    Enter "59" into the Position Number field.

    Step 20
  21. Click the Search button.

    Step 21
  22. The search function can retrieve up to 300 entries from the database, displaying several results at a time in the Search Results grid. Notice we have 213 records in our search results.

    Step 22
  23. Use your browser's scroll bar to view all listings on the current page. If the list is subdivided, click the right arrow above the grid to view the next set of listings.


    Click the Show next rows link.

    Step 23
  24. Click the Clear button.

    Step 24
  25. Click in the Business Unit field.

    Step 25
  26. Enter the desired information into the Business Unit field. Enter

     a valid value

    Step 26
  27. Click the MDJ01 object.

    Step 27
  28. One way you can select criteria is by using the Lookup (magnifying glass) buttons provided for some of the fields.


    Click the Look up Job Code button.

    Step 28
  29. Use the Look Up modal promt page to search for key values to use in your search criteria.

    Step 29

  30. Click the Cancel button.

    Step 30
  31. Another way to narrow your search is to use a key or combination of keys with full or partial values.

    For example we have the Business Unit, MDJ01 entered.


    Let's combine that with entering "63" into the Job Code field.

    Step 31
  32. Click the Search button.

    Step 32
  33. The 23 job codes that match this criteria are displayed in the Search Results table. With an advanced search, all the columns in the Search Results list are displayed as links.


    Click the 6344 link.

    Step 33
  34. Click to scroll down the page.

    Step 34
  35. The Position Information page is displayed.


    Search List Navigation buttons are available to process your search. They are displayed below the transaction area of the page.

    Step 35

  36. The Previous in List button displays the data for the previous data row in your search list box. This button appears gray if you did not select the data row from a list box, if there was only one row in the list, or if the data displayed is the first row on the list.

    Step 36

  37. The Next in List button displays the data for the next data row in your search list box. This button appears gray if you did not select the data row from a list box, if there was only one row in the list, or if the data displayed is the last row on the list.

    Step 37

  38. The Return to Search button returns you to the search page for the transaction type.


    Click the Return to Search button.

    Step 38
  39. If the search criteria you selected is something that you think you can use again, you can save the specifics of the search.


    Click the Save Search Criteria link.

    Step 39
  40. The saved search will contain these values field.


    Click in the Name of Search: field.

    Step 40
  41. Enter "Job6344" into the Name of Search: field.

    Step 41
  42. Click the Save button.

    Step 42
  43. Click the Return to Advanced Search link.

    Step 43
  44. Notice that a Use Saved Search field appears so that you can select a saved search. Once a search has been saved, that specific search record is available for use in other search pages that use the same search record.

    Step 44

  45. You can also delete any saved search by using the Delete Saved Search link.

    Step 45

  46. For any of the criteria, you also can use the Case Sensitive option. This ensures that the search results are based on matching the case you enter in the criteria.

    Step 46

  47. Click the Home link.

    Step 47
  48. Click the Sign out link.

    Step 48

You have completed reviewing the Using Search Pages topic.

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