Security Access for Judge's Applications


In this topic, a recruiter and a hiring manager will view judge's applications.


  1. Click in the User ID field.

    Step 1
  2. a valid value
     into the User ID field.

    Step 2
  3. Click in the Password field.

    Step 3
  4. a valid value
     into the Password field.

    Step 4
  5. Click the Sign In button.

    Step 5
  6. Click the Main Menu link.

    Step 6
  7. Click the Recruiting menu.

    Step 7
  8. Click the Search Job Openings menu.

    Step 8
  9. Click in the Job Opening ID field.

    Step 9
  10. a valid value
     into the Job Opening ID field.

    Step 10
  11. Click the Search button.

    Step 11
  12. Click the Judge - Circuit link.

    Step 12
  13. Recruiter will not have access to judge applicants who have applied to this job opening.

    Step 13

  14. Click the Sign out link.

    Step 14
  15. Delete current information from User ID field.

    Step 15
  16. a valid value
     into the User ID field.

    Step 16
  17. Click in the Password field.

    Step 17
  18. a valid value
     into the Password field.

    Step 18
  19. Click the Sign In button.

    Step 19
  20. Click the Main Menu button.

    Step 20
  21. Click the Recruiting menu.

    Step 21
  22. Click the Search Job Openings menu.

    Step 22
  23. Click in the Job Opening ID field.

    Step 23
  24. a valid value
     into the Job Opening ID field.

    Step 24
  25. Click the Search button.

    Step 25
  26. Click the Judge - Circuit link.

    Step 26
  27. The HR Director is able to see judge applicants for this Job ID.

    Step 27

  28. Click the Home link.

    Step 28
  29. Click the Sign out link.

    Step 29

You have completed the topic "Security Access for Judge's Applications".

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