Juror Information

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is my jury term?
The term of service is one week for trial jurors and three months for grand jurors.

How often do I call in?
Trial Jurors should call each and every night Sunday through Thursday during their service week after 5:00 p.m.

What happens when I call the Juror Information Line?
Please listen for instructions for your reporting number.  Your reporting number can be found on your juror badge. You do not report for jury duty unless the recording instructs you to do so (This includes your first day of jury service).  Trial jurors are automatically scheduled for jury service Monday through Friday of their jury week.  However, you should call 1-800-228-JURY (5879) every evening after 5:00 P.M. to check your reporting status. If all the scheduled trials settle, you will not need to report.  Please listen carefully to the reporting time as it varies.

How long will I be there?
Most jury trials last 1-2 days.  If scheduled longer, the presiding judge will address this in the courtroom during jury selection. You may speak up if you have a conflict with your schedule.  In general, prospective jurors will know by noon if jury selection will occur in a courtroom; however, you should make arrangements to be here all day just in case you are selected. The Court usually gives an hour lunch break for jurors. The lunch break will be determined by the presiding judge.

Can I serve on more than one trial?
Yes, jurors may serve on multiple trials as you are on call for the whole week.

Where do I report for jury duty?
The Cecil County Courthouse is located at 129 East Main Street, Elkton, Maryland. It is a gray/tan building with ducks etched on the front exterior of the courthouse.  The jury assembly room is located on the basement level in room 7A.  All jurors must check in at the front desk of the jury assembly room every time you appear in order to receive credit for reporting. You will be asked to provide your signature on a juror sign in and payment verification sheet.

What is the dress code for jury duty?
Out of respect for the Court; please, do not wear jeans, t-shirts, shorts, gym clothes, tank tops or half shirts.  If you have a job where uniforms are required, please do not wear the uniform for jury duty. You are here as a citizen for a court proceeding.   Please do not wear employer badges or name tags from your place of employment.

Where do I park?
The parking permit on your summons is only for parking spaces immediately behind the courthouse that are marked permit or visitor. If you park in a metered space you are responsible for the fee. See the parking maps for spaces available adjacent to and nearby the courthouse. Parking maps are also available at the front desk of the jury office for additional parking locations.

Is there a special entrance to the Courthouse? 
Yes, for security reasons everyone must enter the Courthouse at the East entrance of the building where the automatic doors are located.  All visitors entering the building must pass through a metal detector and bags are subject to search.   No weapons/knives of any kind are permitted.

Do you supply refreshments?
Coffee, hot tea and water are provided.  Soda and snack machines are located on the basement level.  The jury staff does not have provisions to provide change for the snack machines.  The jury assembly room is equipped with a microwave and refrigerator for those who wish to bring snacks or lunch.

Is there a designated smoking area for jurors?
Yes, it is located outside of the security entrance.  The jury office has a sign-out board and jurors are requested to provide their reporting number when leaving the jury assembly room.  We must be able to locate you when jurors are called to a courtroom.  However, the County Commissioners at this time are considering prohibiting smoking on county property.

Can I get documentation for my employer proving my jury service?
Yes. Please ask at the front desk in the jury assembly room.

How much does jury duty pay?
Jurors will receive $30.00 per day.  Beginning April 5, 2010, Cecil County will use a cash payment system.  You will be paid for reporting whether or not you are selected for a trial.  We are also pleased to announce the implementation of the Generous Juror Program.  This program allows jurors to donate their cash payment for jury service to benefit the children of Cecil County currently in foster care. A Waiver Program is available if your employer’s policy doesn’t allow acceptance of payment.

Can my employer fire me for appearing for jury duty?
An employer may not deprive an employee of his employment solely because of job time lost by the employee as a result of responding to a summons issued or as a result of attending Court for service or prospective service as a petit or grand juror under the provisions of the Annotated Code of Maryland, “Courts and Judicial Proceedings,” Section 8-105.

Can I be excused if I feel I am medically unable to serve?
A juror can be excused for medical reasons upon receipt of a physician’s note stating the length of time they are unable to serve.  If you have a permanent disability the physician’s note must indicate “permanent” disability.

What do I do if I become ill on the day I am to report for jury duty?
You should ask your physician to fax a medical excuse to the jury office at 410-996-1107.   We must have documentation to show the Judge why you are unable to report.  

Can I be excused because I am employed?
Employment is not a reason to be excused from jury duty.  It is the duty of every citizen to participate in jury service.   All requests for excusal are to be submitted with your questionnaire within ten days of receipt.

Where are the courtrooms located?
Cecil County Circuit Court currently has four courtrooms which are located on the second floor.  Please do not visit the second floor as you may overhear conversations pertaining to scheduled trials.  The jury assembly room is located away from the courtrooms for this reason.

If I am selected for a trial do I still call-in or check-in at the jury assembly room?
Once you are selected for a trial you must follow the judge’s instructions.  If you are returning for a second day of a trial you should report directly to the jury deliberation room for the courtroom where the case is being heard.  The jury staff will bring your work letter to the courtroom.  You do not call the recording if you are currently serving on a trial.

What is the inclement weather policy?
In the event of inclement weather listen for “Circuit Court Closings” on the following stations:


  • WXCY FM 103.7
  • WBAL 1090 AM


  • WBAL Channel 11 Baltimore
  • WMAR Channel 2 Baltimore

Cecil County Government Liberal Leave does not pertain to Circuit Court or Jury Service.

Jurors should carry all their belongings with them when they leave the jury assembly room to go to a courtroom as they may be dismissed directly from the courtroom. No food or beverages are permitted in the courtroom (with the exception of bottled water).