March 12, 2021
187 Harry S. Truman Parkway
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Media Advisory:
Chief Judge Mary Ellen Barbera releases new video as the Maryland Judiciary moves to Phase IV operations on March 15
Jury trials resume on April 26
Maryland Court of Appeals Chief Judge Mary Ellen Barbara released a new video today as the Maryland Judiciary begins Phase IV of its COVID-19 five-phased progressive resumption of operations plan on Monday, March 15, 2021. Phase V full operations resume on April 26, 2021, including jury trials. The Judiciary has been in Phase II emergency operations since November 30, 2020.
The new video thanks the public and Judiciary employees for their patience, perseverance, and work during the COVID-19 pandemic and provides guidance on the Judiciary’s operations and resources.
To view the new video, click here.
Beginning March 15, the clerks’ offices in the circuit courts and District Court locations will be open to the public for all matters, though the number of people may be limited to achieve COVID-19 social distancing requirements.
COVID-19 health protocols remain in place in all courthouses and Judiciary buildings statewide, including the wearing of masks, no-contact temperature checks, a verbal or written COVID-19 health questionnaire, and social distancing. These protocols apply to all people over the age of two, regardless of vaccine status.
In the circuit courts, the following items will be heard in Phase IV in addition to the case types heard in the preceding three phases: civil non-jury trials and de novo appeals; criminal post-conviction hearings and three-judge panel sentence reviews; family hearings and trials, including child support contempt cases; and fully operational dockets for Child in Need of Assistance (CINA), juvenile delinquency, and problem-solving court cases.
In the District Court, Phase IV now includes all civil and criminal matters, minor traffic matters, failure to pay rent cases, fully operational problem-solving courts, and red light, parking, speed camera, school bus, toll/MTA, other civil citations, including previously postponed matters.
For more information, visit the Maryland Judiciary’s website at and
Individuals who have business with the courts should check the Judiciary’s website,, or call the clerk’s office for information before arriving at a local courthouse location. Local court information is online at
Terri Charles
Asst. Public Information Officer