Many legal services programs receive grants from the Maryland Legal Services Corporation, the State's IOLTA program. MLSC requires their grantees to use income-eligibility guidelines for their services. A listing of these MLSC-funded providers is available here.
In addition, the Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland (PBRC) maintains a comprehensive list of pro bono programs offering a broad range of opportunities for lawyers interested in providing free civil legal services to the disadvantaged. While many of the programs involve direct representation of income eligible clients, there are several that offer less traditional options for volunteer lawyers, including community clinics, mentoring, pro se assistance, mediation, legislative work, and outreach and community education. In addition, PBRC provides training seminars, technical assistance, and support services to volunteer lawyers. For a training calendar, a more detailed listing of pro bono opportunities or to sign up online, visit the PBRC's website.
There are a number of additional organizations that provide legal services or have a legal services component which would qualify under Rule 19-306.1. Lawyers are encouraged to participate in or make a financial contribution to the legal services program of their choosing.