Personalizing Your Home Page


During this lesson we will demonstrate how to use the home page content and layout personalization options.


  1. Click the Sign In button.

    Step 1
  2. For your CONNECT HCM homepage you can specify your own preferences for their layout and content.


    The home page is set with predefined pagelets. A pagelet is a small window that provides quick access and view to summary information.

    Step 2

  3. Begin by accessing the Personalize Content and Layout links to make your changes.


    Click the Content link.

    Step 3
  4. Select from the displayed check boxes to choose the pagelets that you want to appear on your personalized homepage.


    The selection of pagelets is preset by the portal administrator. You can preview each pagelet by clicking the pagelet name. A preview of the pagelet opens in another smaller window. If a pagelet is not available to you, text in the pagelet indicates this. Any links in the pagelet are disabled.

    Step 4

  5. Select the Direct Reports option by clicking the check box.

    Step 5
  6. Click the scroll bar to view more options.

    Step 6
  7. Select the Pending Approvals option by clicking the check box.

    Step 7
  8. Click the Save button.

    Step 8
  9. Each pagelet includes a Refresh button and a Pagelet Settings button, both located on the right side of the pagelet's header.

    Step 9

  10. The Pagelet Settings button provides the options for Minimizing, Removing, or in some cases Customizing the individual pagelet.


    Click the Pagelet Settings button.

    Step 10
  11. For this tutorial we want to temporarily hide the view of the Employee Self Service Links pagelet.


    Click the Minimize link.

    Step 11
  12. Click the scrollbar to view other options.

    Step 12
  13. Now that we have the pagelets that provide the information we like to have accessible every time we log into CONNECT, we can arrange them in any order we like.


    Click the Layout link.

    Step 13
  14. You can select a basic layout of two columns or three columns.


    A two-column layout results in one narrow column on the left side of your homepage and one wider column to the right. A three-column layout results in three narrow columns of equal width. If you place a wide pagelet in a narrow column, the column stretches to accommodate the wider pagelet.


    The two pagelets added (Direct Reports and Pending Approvals) are now listed in the first of three columns. To arrange the layout for personal preference, the selections can be moved up, down, and into the center or right columns using the arrows to the right of the columns.

    Step 14

  15. You arrange the pagelet by highlighting the name and clicking the arrow keys. You can move a pagelet right or left, from one column to another, and up and down within a column.


    Click the Direct Reports list item.

    Step 15
  16. Click the Move Right button.

    Step 16
  17. Notice that now Direct Reports is in the Center (second) Column.

    Step 17
  18. You can reorganize the order within the column.


    Click the Move Up button.

    Step 18
  19. Click on the move up arrow one more time to make Direct Reports the first one in the column.


    Click the Move Up button.

    Step 19
  20. Click the Pending Approvals pagelet.

    Step 20
  21. Click the Move Right button.

    Step 21
  22. Click the Move Right button again to move the Pending Approvals to the Right Column.

    Step 22
  23. Click the Move Up button.

    Step 23
  24. Click the Employee Expiring Licenses pagelet.

    Step 24
  25. Click the Move Left button.

    Step 25
  26. Now that you have reorganized your pagelets, save the changes and let's see how the home page looks.


    Click the Save button.

    Step 26
  27. Notice how the pagelets are in different locations.

    Step 27

  28. Let's expand the minimized pagelet to view it.


    Click the Pagelet Settings button.

    Step 28
  29. Click the Expand link.

    Step 29
  30. Now we can view the Employee Self Service Links pagelet. We also have the Employee Expiring Licenses pagelet open but it is not providing any useful information at this time. Let's remove the pagelet from our homepage.

    But first let's minimize the Employee Self Service Links so we can better see our changes.

    Step 30

  31. Click the Minimize link.

    Step 31
  32. Now let's remove the Employee Expiring Licenses pagelet.


    Click the Pagelet Settings button.

    Step 32
  33. Click the Remove link.

    Step 33
  34. You will always be prompted to confirm removing a pagelet from the homepage.


    Click the Yes - Remove button.

    Step 34
  35. Now let's expand the Employee Self Service Links pagelet.


    Click the Pagelet Settings button.

    Step 35
  36. Click the Expand link.

    Step 36
  37. Now that we have all the pagelets we want on our homepage, let's see how we can use the Layout options.


    Click the scrollbar.

    Step 37
  38. Click the Layout link.

    Step 38
  39. Notice we have the three column layout selected to display our pagelets.

    Step 39

  40. To change our layout to two columns we will reorganize our pagelets.


    Click the Pending Approvals list item.

    Step 40
  41. Click the Move Left button.

    Step 41
  42. Click the Move Up button.

    Step 42
  43. Click the Move Up button.

    Step 43
  44. Click the Company Directory list item.

    Step 44
  45. Click the Move Left button.

    Step 45
  46. Click the Delete Pagelet object.

    Step 46
  47. Now let's make the 2 column layout our selection.


    Select the 2 columns by clicking the radio button.

    Step 47
  48. Click the Save button.

    Step 48
  49. Notice how now we have the two column layout and the pagelets have been reorganized.

    Step 49

  50. Another quick way to rearrange your pagelets is to use drag and drop with the mouse.


    Watch Video Tutorial (Video file format: MP4, will open in your Windows Player application) or you may interact with the simulation.

    Step 50

  51. Notice where the Announcement pagelet is located.

    Step 51

  52. Click the Layout link.

    Step 52
  53. To delete a pagelet you must select the pagelet first. For this example we will remove the Announcements pagelet.


    Select the Announcements list item.

    Step 53
  54. NOTE: This action will not be confirmed. If you delete the incorrect pagelet you will need to acces the Content options, select the pagelet, and save to reestablish it on the homepage.


    Click the Delete Pagelet button.

    Step 54
  55. Click the Save button.

    Step 55
  56. Notice now the Announcements pagelet is no longer available. Remember you can always reestablish any pagelet by accessing the Personalize Content (top link) options.

    Step 56

  57. Click the Sign out link.

    Step 57

You have completed the personalizing your home page lesson.

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