The Maryland toolkit is designed for public library reference staff as a reference guide to Maryland primary and secondary legal resources, with emphasis on resources available online. For legal information needs beyond the resources in this toolkit, contact a Maryland law librarian for further assistance (see 2. Public Law Libraries, below). To supplement and expand upon the resources here, see the Library's Law on the Frontlines: Legal Reference for Public Libraries.
- Getting Started: Legal Information vs. Legal Advice
- Public Law Libraries
- Self-Help
- Attorneys
- State Government Structure
- Citing Maryland Law
- Primary Sources of Law
- State Constitution
- State Legislative Law
- Local Law
- State Judicial Law (Courts), including forms information
- State Regulatory Law (Executive Branch and Agencies)
- Secondary Sources
- AALL Regional Chapters
- Federal Depository Libraries in Maryland
- Guides and Pathfinders
1. Getting Started: Legal Information vs. Legal Advice
Read a general overview, see pages 5-6, Recognizing the Difference between Information and Advice, from Law on the Frontlines: Training Manual, Element 2: The Reference Interaction.
See also:
Locating the Law, 6th ed., Chapter 4: Legal Reference vs. Legal Advice (2018), Southern California Association of Law Libraries (SCALL).
2. Public Law Libraries
Maryland has multiple law libraries open to the public. These include the Thurgood Marshall State Law Library as well as multiple Circuit Court law libraries. Contacting a law library is often the quickest way to get to your goal. Many of the resource in this Toolkit can be found at a public law library. Many Maryland public law libraries also have free access to fee-based databases like Westlaw and Lexis.
Maryland Law Libraries Directory
3. Self-Help Legal Information
A. General Information
The Maryland People's Law Library, a legal information site managed by the Thurgood Marshall State Law Library, provides Marylanders with information and summaries about the law, links to primary and secondary legal sources, and referrals to legal services.
The Maryland Courts, Court Help Toolkit, provides an extensive video library, topical articles, and information about court help centers, language services, and more.
The Maryland District Court has a number of Self Help Information Brochures on topics including landlord/tenant, garnishing wages, collecting a judgment, expungement and more. Brochures are available in several languages.
The Appellate Court of Maryland's (Formerly the Court of Special Appeals) publication, A Guide for Self-Representation, is helpful for those pursuing an appeal.
The Maryland State Bar Association has a number of Legal Links, which contain legal-related information may prove helpful and are provided solely as a public service.
B. Legal Clinics and Help Centers
- Maryland People’s Law Library, Legal Services Directory and Legal Clinic Calendar.
These can be sorted by county and topic for a listing of options. - Maryland Court Help Centers
- These court-based help centers are located throughout the state, offering free legal help in civil cases for individuals who do not have a lawyer. There are several kinds of help centers.
- Statewide Center (call or chat)
- Family Law Help Centers (in-person assistance)
- All Civil Help Centers (in-person or video chat assistance)
- District Court Help Centers (in-person assistance)
- Local Lawyer in the Library Programs
- Anne Arundel County Public Law Library Lawyer in the Library Program
- The Enoch Pratt Public Library Lawyer in the Library Program
- Howard County Law Library Civil Law Center
4. Attorneys
A. Bar Associations
Maryland State Bar Association
Local and Specialty Bar Associations
B. Locating an attorney
Maryland People’s Law Library's Get Help articles provide information on locating legal assistance in a range of services, from free legal help to reduced-fee services to regular fee-based services.
Lawyer Referral Services (LRS), offered through the local county bar association, can point people to local attorneys practicing in particular topic areas. Contact information for county LRS programs is available on the State Bar Association’s website.
To check on an attorney’s practicing status or locate contact information, use the Attorney Search on the Maryland Attorney Listing.
C. Attorney Rules of Conduct
The Maryland Lawyers’ Rules of Professional Conduct guide the conduct of Maryland attorneys. The text of the MLRPC is contained in Maryland Rules Title 19. Attorneys.
D. Problems with an attorney
The conduct of practitioners of law in Maryland is overseen by the Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission (AGC). Complaints against an attorney are filed with the Commission.
5. State Government Structure
- Maryland at a Glance: State Government (Maryland State Archives)
- Maryland Manual Online (Maryland State Archives)
- Maryland State Government (
6. Citing Maryland Law
The first step in locating legal information is often understanding what the citation in front of you means. To help decipher Maryland legal citations, look at the handy guide: Recognizing and Reading Legal Citations.
Cornell's Legal Information Institute also offers helpful material to decipher legal citations in Introduction to Basic Legal Citation, by Peter W. Martin (Online Ed. 2020). The BLC offers information on both standard legal citation guides, the Bluebook and ALWD.
7. Primary Sources of Law
For the best collection of reliable online Maryland primary law sources (Code, cases, and regulations), see the Library's Gateway to Maryland Law. Resources are also separately enumerated below.
Watch the Maryland Courts' video, What is the Law? for a good visual of the different kinds of law.
8. State Constitution
The current Maryland state constitution is available in print in the Constitutions volume of the Maryland Code.Online
The text of the Maryland state constitution is available from the Maryland State Archives; with the full text of the current Maryland Code and Rules on the Gateway to Maryland Law; and as a downloadable PDF, on the General Assembly's Legislative Services website. Use the link to the current Code and Rules to locate the Constitutions volume.
9. State Legislative Law
The Maryland General Assembly passes bills during annual sessions which run from January to April each year. When passed, bills are called “session laws” or “chapter laws”. Once passed, the legislative language is added to (or amends) the Maryland Code, which is the text of all Maryland laws currently in effect organized (“codified”) by topic. The Maryland Department of Legislative Services publishes helpful legislative research resources, including:
A. State Code
When conducting research related to the Maryland Code, it can be helpful to have a good grounding in how the Code was developed. Many useful links on this topic are grouped on the Library’s web page, Maryland Code Research Sources. The Code itself is widely available:
There are two print publications of the Maryland Code. One is published by Lexis (Michie's), the other by West. Both are designated as official by the Maryland General Assembly.Online
The Maryland Code is online available on the Library's Gateway to Maryland Law.
B. State Session Laws
Bills passed into law by the General Assembly are called “session laws” or “chapter laws.” These are printed in the order of passage annually in the Laws of Maryland.
Laws of Maryland are available at most large public law libraries. See the Directory (above at 2. Public Law Libraries)Online
Digital versions are available on the Maryland General Assembly's website.
C. State Bills
The text of state legislation is available back to 1996 through the Maryland General Assembly's website.
Earlier bills are available in print at some larger law libraries, and through subscription databases such has HeinOnline and LLMC Digital.
D. Other Legislative Material
The Maryland General Assembly and its division, the Department of Legislative Services, have extensive materials on their websites to aid in legislative research.
E. Legislative History
Legislative history can be complex, and anyone approaching a legislative history should strongly consider contacting a Maryland law librarian for guidance and assistance. To help a researcher get started, see the Library's Guide and Worksheet for Maryland Legislative History Research.
10. Local Law
Maryland is divided into 24 county or county-equivalents (Baltimore City is an independent city, and functions in most respects as the counties do). Within the 23 counties, there are a number of municipalities with their own governing structure (Annapolis, Kensington, St Michael’s, and many others). Each county and most municipalities pass ordinances or bills, which are organized into county and municipal codes much as the State’s bills are organized into the State Code. Many counties and municipalities have ceased publishing their codes in print, and instead provide links from their websites. The Library has compiled these links:
General Local Law Research
County and municipal governments in Maryland are not all structured in the same way. The University of Maryland Law Library has an excellent research guide, Researching Maryland Local Law, to help explain these differences.
11. State Judicial Law
Court Structure
Maryland has a four-tiered court system, with two trial level courts (District and Circuit), a mid-level appellate court (Appellate Court of Maryland, formerly the Court of Special Appeals), and highest court (Supreme Court of Maryland, formerly the Court of Appeals). In addition to these, there are also an Orphans' Court, which handles probate matters, and a Tax Court, which is actually an independent agency and not part of the Judiciary. For a detailed understanding of the court system, take a look at the Maryland Court System.
A. Cases
When someone asks for "a case", they are generally looking for the written opinion - the explanation of the court's decision. Such opinions are issued, generally, only in appellate level cases. State trial court cases, those from District and Circuit Court in Maryland, most often do not have written opinions (there are rare exceptions).
Sometimes, someone will ask for "a case" if they want to see the docket listing for a case in one of the trial courts. The docket list provides basic case information - parties, dates, issues (crimes charged or civil matter), the attorneys representing the parties, actions that have taken place, and final resolution, if there is one. This information is available through the Maryland Judiciary's Case Search system (dates and types of cases vary from court to court).
While just about all Maryland state appellate cases have opinions, not all opinions are reported, meaning not all can be used as precedent in making other decisions. Unreported opinions are not binding on parties other than those in the case; they are not law in this sense, the way reported cases are. The Maryland courts began making unreported opinions available on their website in 2015. Maryland trial court cases (those from the District and Circuit Courts) generally do not have written opinions.
The official version of Maryland cases (court opinions) are published in the Maryland Reports (Supreme Court of Maryland) and Maryland Appellate Reports (Appellate Court of Maryland). The print volumes can be found in all law libraries. Maryland decisions are also published in West’s Atlantic Reporter. The Maryland Digest acts as a print index to Maryland case law, and is available in major law libraries.Online
Court opinions can be found (free) online at:
- Maryland Judiciary's website (from 1995+)
- On Google Scholar (from the 1950's+)
B. Court Rules
Court Rules govern the procedures for the business of the courts. In Maryland, Court Rules are proposed by the Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure (Rules Committee) and promulgated by the Supreme Court of Maryland.
Annotated Maryland Court Rules are published by both Thomson Reuters (West) and LexisNexis as a paperbound supplement to the Maryland Code, and can generally be found shelved with the Code in most libraries.Online
A free online version is available located with the Maryland Code.
Maryland Rules history, like legislative history, can be complicated, and generally it is best to speak with a Maryland law librarian when approaching research. However, there are materials that can help a researcher get started:
- Researching the Legislative History of Maryland Rules, John Cannan, 40-Dec Maryland Bar Journal 48 (2007)
- No Local Rules in Maryland...Sort Of, John Cannan, 52.1 Law Library Lights 15 (2008)
C. Jury Instructions
The Library has a research guide on jury instructions for more complicated research questions. The quick & dirty on jury instructions is:
The Maryland State Law Library has a Jury Instruction Research Guide. There are two sets of jury instructions for Maryland (links are to State Law Library Catalog):
- MSBA: Maryland Criminal Pattern Jury Instructions and Maryland Civil Pattern Jury Instructions
- LexisNexis: Maryland Criminal Jury Instructions and Commentary and Maryland Civil Jury Instructions and Commentary
Maryland jury instructions are not available for free online. They may be available via a Lexis or Westlaw subscription.
D. Forms - Official
Maryland has a small number of official court forms, mainly for District Court matters and Circuit Court family law and guardianship matters. The courts makes official forms available on the Judiciary website forms page.
The Maryland People's Law Library groups these links, and links to other, non-court but legal, forms, on the PLL Find Court and Legal Forms page.
For more information about legal forms and the process of locating a form, review the discussion of forms on our Legal Reference for Public Libraries, Element 4: About Law – pages 5-6, Understanding and Finding Forms.
E. Forms - Model/Sample
There are extensive sources for model or sample forms to use when constructing a filing in a Maryland legal matter. These are mainly available in print format and may be found at local public law libraries.. The best starting places include:
- Maryland Civil Procedure Forms (LexisNexis)
- Maryland Practice Forms (MSBA)
- Maryland Litigation Forms & Analysis (Thomson Reuters)
A number of public libraries subscribe to the Maryland Legal Forms database from Gale/Cengage, which contains a wide variety of Maryland-specific sample legal forms and filings. Check your library's database collection for access to the collection. [Note: Sample forms are provided to assist in the thinking and drafting process. Sample forms should not be considered definitive. The Rules and other sources should be consulted in tandem with usage. Consultation with an attorney is generally recommended for such construction.]
Sample forms for Maryland appellate actions are available in the Guide for Self-Representation (see 3.A. Self-Help, General Information above).
For a better understanding of legal forms and the process of locating a form, review the discussion on forms on our Legal Reference for Public Libraries page.
12. State Regulatory (Executive Branch) Law
A. Administrative Code and Register
The Maryland Division of State Documents (DSD) prints the Maryland Register, a bi-weekly journal publication in which new regulations are first printed, and COMAR, the Code of Maryland Regulations, which contains the full text of all regulations currently in effect. COMAR in print is a multi-volume looseleaf set, and can be found in larger law libraries such as the Thurgood Marshall State Law Library. The Maryland Register similarly can be found in larger law libraries in print.Online
COMAR and the Maryland Register (recent issues only) can be found using the Library’s Gateway to Maryland Law page, or directly at the DSD site: COMAR and Maryland Register.
Regulatory History
Researching the history of a regulation, like legislative history, can be complex, and anyone approaching a regulatory history should strongly consider contacting a Maryland law librarian for guidance and assistance. The Division of State Documents has a reliable in-depth guide, digitally available on the Library's website, for anyone wishing to try it solo.
B. Executive Orders
Executive Orders from the Governor are published in the Maryland Register. Orders currently in force are in found in COMAR, Title 01, Subtitle 01.
Orders during the current administration are available on the website of the Office of the Governor.
C. Attorney General Opinions
Maryland AG Opinions are printed annually in single volumes, and are available in print at most law libraries.Online
The full text of AG Opinions back to 1916 are available on the Maryland Attorney General's website. Opinions are also available through subscription databases such as HeinOnline and LLMC Digital.
13. Secondary Sources
A. Maryland People's Law Library
The Maryland People’s Law Library is a legal information and self-help website maintained by the Library, a court-related agency of the Maryland Judiciary, and supported by Maryland’s non-profit legal services providers, pro bono attorneys and the legal academic community. PLL content is primarily in the area of civil, state (Maryland) matters, though there is some material on criminal and federal matters as well.
B. Legal Encyclopedias
The Maryland Law Encyclopedia (MLE) contains narrative descriptions of legal topics with citations to primary law sources such as cases and statutes. The text of the MLE is not available for free on the internet; however, most law libraries will have a set, and some county public libraries keep a print set in their reference collections (check with your local branch). The full text may also be available electronically on Westlaw, depending on the subscription.
The legal materials publisher Nolo includes a brief but helpful "encyclopedia" on its website, under Legal Articles. Many entries are general, rather than state-specific, but the summaries can be helpful in explaining a legal topic to a non-lawyer.
C. Titles by Topic
The Conference of Maryland Court Law Library Directors maintains an online list of Core Collection Recommended Titles for Circuit Court law libraries. The list provides a quick reference tool for those seeking a title in an area of law appropriate to ongoing research.
The Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA) publishes a number of titles on Maryland law. Their texts, referred to generally as CLE (Continuing Legal Education) Publications, are listed on the MSBA website; many are found in public law libraries.
D. Legal Glossaries and Vocabulary
There are a number of good resources for understanding legal terminology. In print, Black's Law Dictionary and other legal dictionaries are helpful. Online, for general term use, the Cornell Legal Information Institute's Wex and Nolo's Free Dictionary of Law Terms are both handy. For more specific jurisdictional usage, there are legal glossaries available from the Maryland Judiciary and the U.S. Courts.
14. American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Local Chapters
15. Federal Depository Libraries in Maryland
There are 22 federal depository libraries in Maryland. Three of these are also public law libraries:
Thurgood Marshall State Law Library
361 Rowe Boulevard
Annapolis, MD 21401
410-260-1430University of Maryland Law Library
500 West Baltimore Street (street entrance)
Baltimore, MD 21201
410-706-6502University of Baltimore Law Library
1401 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
A full list of federal depository libraries in Maryland is available on the U.S. Government Publishing Office website.
16. Guides and Pathfinders
Maryland People’s Law Library
The site itself is one huge online guide to legal information. Information is arranged topically under umbrella headings such as Consumer, Employment, Family Law, Senior Citizens, etc.
MSBA Legal Links.
Although the Maryland State Bar Association does not endorse specific websites or their content, the following links to other websites which contain legal-related information may prove helpful and are provided solely as a public service.
Anne Arundel County Public Law Library FAQs
Thurgood Marshall State Law Library
The Library's website contains research guides to help more specialized legal research, particularly in the area of legislative history.
AALL Public Library Toolkit
The Toolkit includes general guides such as:
- How to Research a Legal Problem
- How to Find Legal Material if You Already Have a Citation
- Public Library Collection Guidelines for a Legal Research Collection
University of Maryland Law Library
TMLL Guide to Legal Research
The TMLL Guide includes online chapters for areas of law (Statutory Law Research, Legislative Law Research, etc.), as well as levels of law (Maryland Law, Federal Law, Foreign and International Law). There is also a very useful chapter on Electronic Research Techniques.
Last revised 03/05/2025