Court Form Search
Most Maryland court forms and brochures are available in this index. Use the filters on the left to narrow your search by topic, court, and language. Not sure which form you need? Use a Court Forms Finder, which will guide you through a series of questions to help identify the form you need. Still have questions? Call the Maryland Court Help Center at 410-260-1392.
Using Search will allow you to filter the list of titles by form number or keyword. This can be helpful if you are unsure where the form is categorized or if you are looking for multiple forms related to a single topic. If you are searching by form number, the number format must end with three numeric digits (example: DC-CV-001 or DCCV001).
Contestación de Demanda, Solicitud o Petición Instrucciones (Bilingual - Spanish Format)
Complaint For Demand, Application Or Request Instructions For Completing The Dom Rel 50 Form
Contestación de la Solicitud de Tutela de un Menor (Bilingual - Spanish Format)
Answer To Petition For Guardianship Of Minor
Contestación de la Solicitud de Tutela de Presunta Persona Discapacitada (Bilingual - Spanish Format)
Answer To Petition For Guardianship Of Alleged Disabled Person
Continuation Sheet - Bad Check Charge/Application for Statement of Charges/Statement of Probable Cause
Use this form as a continuation sheet for the Application for Statement of Charges for Bad Checks (DC-CR-044).
Contrademanda de Custodia Manutención de Menores CC-DR-095BLS (Bilingual - Spanish)
Counter-Complaint for Custody/Child Support
Contre-plainte Pour la Garde la Pension Alimentaire Pour Enfant (Bilingual - French)
Counter-Complaint for Custody/Child Support
Co-Petitioner Information Sheet
Use this form if you are a co-petitioner for guardianship of a minor or an alleged disabled person.
Cost Schedule
This form outlines the cost and fees associated with filing certain cases in the District Court.
Counter-Claim for Custody/Child Support
Use this form to respond to a complaint for child custody/child support. Learn more: Custody video series and web page.
Counter-Complaint for Absolute Divorce
This form was made obsolete 11/2019 - please see CC-DR-020 Rev. 11/2019.
Criminal Information Brochure for Complainant
Criminal Information Brochure for Defendant
¿Cuál es la mejor manera de resolver una disputa?
Declaración Conjunta de Las Partes Sobre Bienes Maritales y Propios (Bilingual Spanish)
Joint Statement Of Parties Concerning Marital And Non-Marital Property
Declaración Financiera (Pautas sobre la manutención de hijos menores) (Bilingual - Spanish Format)
FINANCIAL STATEMENT (Child Support Guidelines)
Declaración Jurada Sobre Intentos Para Contactar, Localizar e Identificar Personas Interesadas (Bilingual - Spanish)
Affidavit Of Attempts To Contact, Locate, And Identify Interested Persons
Declaración de Notificación- Correo certificado (Bilingual Spanish)
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE (Certified Mail Restricted Delivery – Receipt Requested)
Declaration of Compliance with the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, And Economic Security Act (2020)
Form used to state compliance with the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”). The CARES Act provides a temporary moratorium on eviction filings, as well as other protections for tenants in certain covered properties.
Declaration of Trust of Real Estate to Secure Performance of a Bail Bond
Definición de Términos (para usar con [CC-DC/DV 1] la Solicitud para la Protección contra la Violencia Doméstica, Maltrato Infantil y Maltrato a un Adulto Vulnerable)
Definition of Terms (for Use With Petition For Protection from Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, and Vulnerable Adult Abuse) - Spanish
Definition of Terms (for Use With Petition For Protection from Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, and Vulnerable Adult Abuse)
Use this instruction form to become familiar with legal terms in protective order cases. Learn more at
DÉFINITIONS (s’utilise avec la requête [CC-DC-DV-001] pour protection contre la violence familiale, les mauvais traitements envers les enfants et les adultes vulnérables) - French
Definition of Terms (for Use With Petition For Protection from Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, and Vulnerable Adult Abuse) - French