Court Form Search
Most Maryland court forms and brochures are available in this index. Use the filters on the left to narrow your search by topic, court, and language. Not sure which form you need? Use a Court Forms Finder, which will guide you through a series of questions to help identify the form you need. Still have questions? Call the Maryland Court Help Center at 410-260-1392.
Using Search will allow you to filter the list of titles by form number or keyword. This can be helpful if you are unsure where the form is categorized or if you are looking for multiple forms related to a single topic. If you are searching by form number, the number format must end with three numeric digits (example: DC-CV-001 or DCCV001).
Affidavit of Bail Bondsman
Use this form if you are a professional bail bondsperson and are posting a bond for a defendant (Md. Rule 4-217).
Affidavit of Equity Verification - Collateral Posted in District Court or Circuit Court
Use this form if you are a property surety posting a property bond in District Court to report any outstanding bail bonds associated with that specific property in the District Court or circuit courts.
Affidavit of Intent to Use Electronic Signature
Affidavit of Service (Certified Mail Restricted Delivery-Receipt Requested)
Use this form to provide proof to the court that copies of documents filed in a family case have been delivered to a party.
Affidavit of Service (Private Process)
Use this form to provide proof to the court that copies of documents filed in a case have been served on a party.
Affidavit of Uncompensated Surety
Use this document if you are posting a bond for a defendant and you have not received compensation, charge any fees, and/or no collateral has been pledged with the execution of the bond.
Agreement After Oral Exam
Alternative Dispute Resolution Volunteer Application
Americans With Disabilities Act Grievance Form
Use this form to file a grievance if your request for accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is denied. NOTE: This form should be submitted to the Fair Practices Department as soon as possible, but no later than 120 calendar days after the denial.
Anexo de Orden de Paz (Bilingual - Spanish)
Addendum To Petition For Peace Order
Anexo de Orden de Protección (Bilingual - Spanish)
Addendum To Petition For Protective Order (Description Of Respondent)
Annexe À La Demande D'ordonnance De Protection (Bilingual French)
Annexe À La Requête Pour Une Ordonnance Enjoignant Une Personne De Rester À L'écart (Peace Order) (Bilingual French)
Annexe à Une Requête Pour Ordonnance De Protection En Raison (Bilingual French)
Addendum To Petition For Extreme Risk Protective Order (Description Of Respondent)
Annexe à Une Requête Pour Ordonnance de Protection En Raison D’un Risque Extrême Récapitulatif du Comportement de la Partie Intimée et Historique De Santé Mentale (Bilingual French)
Addendum to Petition for Extreme Risk Protective Order Summary of Respondent's Behavior and Mental Health History
Annual Report of Guardian of Disabled Person
Use this form if you are a guardian of the person of an adult to file your annual report to the court.
Annual Report of Guardian of a Minor
Use this form if you are a guardian of the person of a minor to file your annual report to the court.
Answer to Petition for Guardianship of Alleged Disabled Person
Use this form to respond to or "answer" a guardianship petition that has been filed with the court.
Answer to Petition for Guardianship of Minor
Use this form to respond to or "answer" a petition for guardianship of a minor that has been filed with the court.
Anulación de la Renuncia a las Notificaciones: Persona Interesada (Bilingual - Spanish Format)
Revocation Of Waiver Of Notice – Interested Person
Apelación pdfs/Solicitud de Transcripción (Bilingual Spanish)
Apéndice de la Solicitud de Orden de Protección Por Riesgo Extremo Resumen de la Historia Clínica de Salud Mental y Conductual del Demandado (Bilingual Spanish)
Addendum to Petition for Extreme Risk Protective Order Summary of Respondent's Behavior and Mental Health History
Apéndice de la Solicitud de Orden de Protección Por Riesgo (Bilingual Spanish)
Addendum To Petition For Extreme Risk Protective Order (Description Of Respondent)