Court Form Search
Most Maryland court forms and brochures are available in this index. Use the filters on the left to narrow your search by topic, court, and language. Not sure which form you need? Use a Court Forms Finder, which will guide you through a series of questions to help identify the form you need. Still have questions? Call the Maryland Court Help Center at 410-260-1392.
Using Search will allow you to filter the list of titles by form number or keyword. This can be helpful if you are unsure where the form is categorized or if you are looking for multiple forms related to a single topic. If you are searching by form number, the number format must end with three numeric digits (example: DC-CV-001 or DCCV001).
Application for Access to Electronic Case Records by Designated Registered User of a Corporation or Business Entity
Application for Appointed Attorney at Initial Appearance
Use this form if you are a defendant in a criminal case and want to request that an attorney represent you at an initial appearance before a District Court commissioner, and you cannot afford to hire a private attorney.
Application for Guardianship Access to Electronic Case Records
Use this form if you are an attorney-guardian or public guardian and want to access electronic case records.
Application For Leave To Appeal
Application for Party Access to Electronic Case Records
Use this form if you are a party in a case to request remote access to electronic case records. NOTE: Every case may not have electronic records available.
Application for Statement of Charges for Bad Check
Use this form to apply for charges against someone who has issued a bad check where there was an immediate exchange of good or services and a bank or institution refused to pay the check due to insufficient funds or when an account does not exist, is closed, or has a hold on it. NOTE: Payments under a contract, such as checks for rent, utilities, or car payments are not bad check violations. Debtors must be pursued through civil litigation in these instances. Check with the District Court commissioner to see if criminal charges can be initiated.
Application for the Appointed Attorneys Program
Use this form if you are an attorney and wish to apply to the Appointed Attorneys Program. Visit for more information about the District Court of Maryland Appointed Attorneys Program.
Application for the Issuance of a Warrant
Use this form when filing a petition to enforce an out-of-state child custody order and you want the court to issue a warrant to take physical custody of the child(ren).
Application to Inspect Public Records
Use this form to request to view public court records in person at a District Court for one (1) case. Case types include: traffic, criminal, civil, and other case records. If you wish to view multiple cases, complete the DC-034A to list all cases.
Appointed Attorney Invoice (For use before 01/01/2025)
Use this form if you are an appointed attorney to request payment for compensation and mileage, parking, and/or tolls (if applicable). NOTE: Follow the step-by-step instructions on page 2 to complete the form. This will aid in the timely processing of your invoice.
Appointed Attorney Invoice (For use after 01/01/2025)
Use this form if you are an appointed attorney to request payment for compensation and mileage, parking, and/or tolls (if applicable). NOTE: Follow the step-by-step instructions on page 2 to complete the form. This will aid in the timely processing of your invoice.
Assignment of Bond
Use this form if you are a surety who have posted a bond and are requesting the bond be used to pay fines/costs, restitution, and/or be sent to a specific person wish the bond amount to be assigned to pay fines/costs or restitution.
Assignment of Claim
Assignment of Judgment
Attestation de Signification (Courrier recommandé, livraison restreinte avec accusé de réception) (Bilingual French)
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE (Certified Mail Restricted Delivery – Receipt Requested)
Attestation de Signification (Remise en Mains Propres/Signification Privée) (Bilingual French)
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE (Hand Delivery/Private Process)
Attestation de Tentatives de Contacter, Localiser et Identifier Les Personnes Concernées (Bilingual - French)
Attorney Affidavit as to Consent of a Child to Adoption
An attorney may use this form in cases in which a child consents to adoption.
Attorney Affidavit as to Consent of a Parent to a Public Agency Guardianship or Private Agency Guardianship
An attorney may use this affidavit form in cases in which a parent consents to a public/private agency guardianship.
Attorney Affidavit as to Consent of a Parent to Adoption
An attorney may use this affidavit form in cases in which a parent consents to adoption.
Avez-vous besoin d'un interprète judiciaire ?
AVIS D'APPEL (Bilingual French)
Avis D'appel En Matière Pénale (Bilingual French)
Avis Aux Personnes Concernées Dont la Localisation est Inconnue (Bilingual French)