Court Form Search
Most Maryland court forms and brochures are available in this index. Use the filters on the left to narrow your search by topic, court, and language. Not sure which form you need? Use a Court Forms Finder, which will guide you through a series of questions to help identify the form you need. Still have questions? Call the Maryland Court Help Center at 410-260-1392.
Using Search will allow you to filter the list of titles by form number or keyword. This can be helpful if you are unsure where the form is categorized or if you are looking for multiple forms related to a single topic. If you are searching by form number, the number format must end with three numeric digits (example: DC-CV-001 or DCCV001).
Motion for First Class Mail Service of Plaintiff / Judgment Creditor
Motion for Release of Property From Levy/Garnishment or to Exempt Property from Execution
Notice of Dismissal
Notice of Intent to Terminate Writ of Garnishment of Property Other Than Wages
Notice of Publication
Notice of Publication or Posting
I Owe Money and Dealing with Debt Brochure
Petites créances
Plainte / Demande et Attestation à L'appui D'un Jugement (Bilingual French)
Plainte Pour Concédant En Possession (Bilingual French)
Plaintiff's Affidavit to Secure Service by Posting or Publication
Post-Judgment Collection Brochure
CLICK HERE for more information on Collecting on a Judgment.