Court Form Search
Most Maryland court forms and brochures are available in this index. Use the filters on the left to narrow your search by topic, court, and language. Not sure which form you need? Use a Court Forms Finder, which will guide you through a series of questions to help identify the form you need. Still have questions? Call the Maryland Court Help Center at 410-260-1392.
Using Search will allow you to filter the list of titles by form number or keyword. This can be helpful if you are unsure where the form is categorized or if you are looking for multiple forms related to a single topic. If you are searching by form number, the number format must end with three numeric digits (example: DC-CV-001 or DCCV001).
Motion Pour Permettre l’inspection Du Dossier D’une Affaire (Bilingual - French)
Motion to Seal Court Records Relating to a Petition for Emergency Evaluation of a Minor
Use this form to file a motion to seal court records relating to a petition for emergency evaluation if the individual was a minor at the time the petition was made or sought.
Motion to Seal or Otherwise Limit Inspection of a Case Record
Use this form to request the court seal or otherwise limit inspection of a case record, or parts of records, that are not otherwise shielded from inspection under the Rules or other applicable law and you are: (1) a party to the action, (2) a person permitted to intervene as a party, or (3) a person subject of or specifically identified in the case.
¿Necesita un Intérprete de Tribunal?
Notice of Appearance
Use this form if you are an attorney entering your appearance to represent the defendant/plaintiff/other party in a court case.
Notice of Entry of Appearance for Victim or Victim's Representative
Notice of Intent to Subpoena Medical Records
Use this form to give notice to a party of a case who is receiving health care (patient) that their medical records have been subpoenaed in reference to a District Court case pursuant to § 4-306 of the Health-General Article.
Petición De Aplazamiento / Postergación (Bilingual - Spanish)
Motion for Continuance/Postponement
Petición/Constancia de Notificación Judicial/Orden (Bilingual - Spanish)
Petición Para Permitir La Inspección Del Expediente De Un Caso (Bilingual - Spanish)
Petición para Sellar o Limitar la Inspección del Expediente de un Caso (Bilingual - Spanish)
Motion To Seal Or Otherwise Limit Inspection of a Case Record
Petition for Emergency Evaluation
Use this form to petition to have an individual (evaluee) who presents a danger to the life or safety of themselves or others taken to an emergency room by law enforcement for the purpose of examination to determine if they meet the criteria to be admitted to a psychiatric facility.
Poder Judicial del Estado de Maryland Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (Bilingual - Spanish)
Americans with Disabilities Grievance Form
Public Request for Records Stored at Maryland State Archives
Use this form to request to request copies of District Court civil or criminal case records stored at the Maryland State Archives.
Request for Accommodation for Person with Disability
Use this form to request accommodation(s) under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). NOTE: File your request with the court in which the case will be heard at least 30 days before your court date.
Request for Appraisal by Sheriff/Certificate of Service/Appraisal by Court
Use this form to request appraisal of your vehicle which was seized during a criminal action.
Request for Final Waiver of Open Costs
Use this form if the court has ordered you to pay some or all of the costs at the end of your case and you cannot afford to pay. Visit for more information.
Request for Spoken Language Interpreter
Use this form if you need the court to assign a free interpreter in your case. Learn more about Court Language Services at
Request for Text Message Notifications - Parent or Legal Guardian of Juvenile Charged as an Adult
Request for Waiver of Prepaid Appellate Costs
Use this form if you cannot afford to pay the costs of filing an appeal and you want to request that these costs be waived.
Request for Waiver of Prepaid Costs for Assembling the Record for an Appeal
Use this form if you are unable to pay the costs associated with assembling the record for an appeal to request a waiver. You must also submit the CC-DC-092 – Request for Waiver of Prepaid Appellate Costs. Visit for more information. Note: The forms permit you to request a waiver of the costs of preparing the transcript, an essential part of the appeal process, in the District Court only.
Request to Issue a Body Attachment
Use this form if an order for body attachment has been granted by the court due to the defendant failing to appear and you as the plaintiff wish the court to issue a body attachment for contempt of court.