Court Form Search
Most Maryland court forms and brochures are available in this index. Use the filters on the left to narrow your search by topic, court, and language. Not sure which form you need? Use a Court Forms Finder, which will guide you through a series of questions to help identify the form you need. Still have questions? Call the Maryland Court Help Center at 410-260-1392.
Using Search will allow you to filter the list of titles by form number or keyword. This can be helpful if you are unsure where the form is categorized or if you are looking for multiple forms related to a single topic. If you are searching by form number, the number format must end with three numeric digits (example: DC-CV-001 or DCCV001).
Advice of Rights - Guardian of the Person
This notice advises individuals of their rights after a petition has been filed with the court seeking appointment of a guardian of his or her person.
Advice of Rights - Guardian of the Property
This notice advises individuals of their rights after a petition has been filed with the court seeking appointment of a guardian of his or her property.
Affidavit of Attempts to Contact, Locate, and Identify Interested Persons
Use this form to tell the court about your good faith efforts to locate interested persons in a guardianship case.
Annual Report of Guardian of Disabled Person
Use this form if you are a guardian of the person of an adult to file your annual report to the court.
Annual Report of Guardian of a Minor
Use this form if you are a guardian of the person of a minor to file your annual report to the court.
Answer to Petition for Guardianship of Alleged Disabled Person
Use this form to respond to or "answer" a guardianship petition that has been filed with the court.
Answer to Petition for Guardianship of Minor
Use this form to respond to or "answer" a petition for guardianship of a minor that has been filed with the court.
Application for Guardianship Access to Electronic Case Records
Use this form if you are an attorney-guardian or public guardian and want to access electronic case records.
Application for Statement of Charges for Bad Check
Use this form to apply for charges against someone who has issued a bad check where there was an immediate exchange of good or services and a bank or institution refused to pay the check due to insufficient funds or when an account does not exist, is closed, or has a hold on it. NOTE: Payments under a contract, such as checks for rent, utilities, or car payments are not bad check violations. Debtors must be pursued through civil litigation in these instances. Check with the District Court commissioner to see if criminal charges can be initiated.
Certificate of Completion- Guardian Orientation and Training
File this form as proof that you completed the orientation and/or the training program for guardians of the person and property.
Confidential Supplement
Use this form to request the shielding of your address and telephone number if you are a victim, complainant, or a witness in a criminal case.
Consent of Substituted or Successor Guardian
Use this form if you agree to step in as the guardian of a minor or disabled person when an appointed guardian resigns or is removed.
Consent to Treatment
This document is used to provide your written consent to receive treatment at a residential or out-patient program recommended and arranged by the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) and to have information regarding your evaluation, treatment, and counseling reported back to the court.
Continuation Sheet - Bad Check Charge/Application for Statement of Charges/Statement of Probable Cause
Use this form as a continuation sheet for the Application for Statement of Charges for Bad Checks (DC-CR-044).
Co-Petitioner Information Sheet
Use this form if you are a co-petitioner for guardianship of a minor or an alleged disabled person.
Criminal Information Brochure for Complainant
Criminal Information Brochure for Defendant
Designation of a Guardian of the Person by a Minor
Use this form if you are a minor who is at least 14 years old and want to designate an individual as your guardian of the person.
Designation of a Guardian of the Property by a Minor or Disabled Person
Use this form if you are a minor child or disabled person at least 16 years old and want to designate an individual as guardian of your property.
Fiduciary's Account
Use this form if you are a guardian of the property to file your annual accounting to the court.
Form 4-503.3 Application for Expungement of Police Record
Use this form to apply to have police records expunged if you previously requested that a law enforcement agency expunge your police record relating to an incident and you were issued a Notice of Denial of Request for Expungement or you have not been notified of any action taken and it has been more than 60 days after receipt of the Notice and Request for Expungement.
General Waiver and Release - for use with expungements
Use this form if requesting to expunge records based on an acquittal, nolle prosequi, or dismissal and it is earlier than three (3) years after the disposition to waive all officers, agents, and employees involved in your arrest, detention, or confinement.
Guardian of the Property Commission Worksheet
Use this form if you are the guardian of the property of a minor or disabled person and are asking the court for a commission to be paid from the guardianship estate.
Guide to Expungement of Nuisance Crimes
This form lists the charges and timeframes to be eligible to expunge nuisance crimes (drinking alcohol or sleeping in public, panhandling, loitering, or using transit without payment, for example) under Criminal Procedural Article § 10-105.