Court Form Search
Most Maryland court forms and brochures are available in this index. Use the filters on the left to narrow your search by topic, court, and language. Not sure which form you need? Use a Court Forms Finder, which will guide you through a series of questions to help identify the form you need. Still have questions? Call the Maryland Court Help Center at 410-260-1392.
Using Search will allow you to filter the list of titles by form number or keyword. This can be helpful if you are unsure where the form is categorized or if you are looking for multiple forms related to a single topic. If you are searching by form number, the number format must end with three numeric digits (example: DC-CV-001 or DCCV001).
Petición De Cancelación De Antecedentes Penales Disposición de absolución, declaración de no culpabilidad, nolle prosequi o desestimación (Han Pasado Menos De 3 Años Desde La Disposición) (Bilingual Spanish)
Petición De Cancelación De Antecedentes Penales (Delitos No Relacionados Con Marihuana/Cannabis) (Disposición De Culpabilidad) (Bilingual - Spanish Format)
Petición De Cancelación De Antecedentes Penales (Delitos Relacionados Con Marihuana/Cannabis) (Bilingual Spanish)
Petición Para Anular La Condena Conforme A La Sección 8-302 Del Código de Procedimientos Penales (Bilingual Spanish)
Motion to vacate judgment for 24 qualifying offenses if the person's participation in the offense was a direct result of being a victim of human trafficking. The motion must be in writing, within a reasonable period of time after the conviction, and describe the evidence and include copies of any documents showing the movant is entitled to relief.
Petición Para Modificar la Manutención de Menores (Bilingual Spanish)
Motion to Modify Child Support
Petición Para Suspensión de la Entrega de Notificación de Una Orden de Retención de Salario (Bilingual Spanish)
Motion For Stay Of Service Of Earnings Withholding Order
Petition for Continued Possession and Reasonable Costs for Care of Seized Livestock
Petition for Determination of Eligibility for Counsel
Use this form if you were denied representation by the Office of the Public Defender and you do not agree with the initial determination.
Petition For Disbursement Of Seized Animal(s) Proceeding Funds Or Termination Of Ordered Payments
Petition for Enforcement of an Out-of-State Custody Order
Use this form to ask Maryland to enforce an out-of-state child custody order.
Petition for Expungement of Records - Acquittal, Dismissal, etc.
Use this form to petition for the expungement of court records in your case was based on an acquittal (found not guilty), dismissal, probation before judgment, nolle prosequi, stet, not criminally responsible or transfer to juvenile disposition.
Petition For Expungement Of Records Acquittal, Dismissal, Not Guilty, Or Nolle Prosequi (Less Than 3 Years Has Passed Since Disposition)
NOTE: As of 10/01/2021 this form has been created due to legislation passed during the 2021 Legislative Session. The new law allows for the automatic expungement of charges with dispositions of acquittal, dismissal, not guilty or nolle prosequi (NP) after 3 years and allows for the filing of a petition to expunge these dispositions within 3 years.
Petition for Expungement of Records (Non-Marijuana/Cannabis Related Offenses)- Guilty Disposition
Use this form to petition for the expungement of court records in your case was based on a guilty disposition (non-marijuana/cannabis related offenses) and the charge is eligible for expungement.
Petition for Shielding Under MD Second Chance Act
Use this form to petition the court to shield records relating to the conviction of specified crimes inaccessible by members of the public under the Maryland Second Chance Act. CLICK HERE for more information on the Shielding Criminal Records.
Petition To Join Proceeding For The Return Of Seized Animal(s)
Petition to Modify Child Support
Use this form to change an existing child support order.
Petition to Modify Custody/Visitation (Child Access)
Use this form to change an existing child custody order.
Petition by Owner or Custodian for the Return of Seized Animal(s)
Pétition Pour Effacement du Casier Judiciaire (Acquittement, Annulation, Probation Avant Jugement, Non Lieu, Stet ou Verdict de Non Responsabilité Criminelle) (Bilingual - French)
Plaignants au pénal
Plainte Pour Droit De Visite (Accès à L’enfant) (Bilingual French)
Complaint for Visitation
Plainte Pour La Garde De L’enfant (Bilingual French)
Complaint for Custody
Plainte Pour Pension Alimentaire Pour Enfant (Bilingual French)
Planilla A - Obligación de Manutención de Hijos Menores: Custodia Física Primaria (Bilingual Spanish)
Worksheet A - Child Support Obligation: Primary Physical Custody