Court Form Search
Most Maryland court forms and brochures are available in this index. Use the filters on the left to narrow your search by topic, court, and language. Not sure which form you need? Use a Court Forms Finder, which will guide you through a series of questions to help identify the form you need. Still have questions? Call the Maryland Court Help Center at 410-260-1392.
Using Search will allow you to filter the list of titles by form number or keyword. This can be helpful if you are unsure where the form is categorized or if you are looking for multiple forms related to a single topic. If you are searching by form number, the number format must end with three numeric digits (example: DC-CV-001 or DCCV001).
Petition to Revoke Standby Guardianship
Use this form to revoke (cancel) standby guardianship of your child(ren) after a court has appointed a standby guardian.
Petition by Standby Guardian (Judicial Appointment)
Use this form if a parent designated you as standby or alternate standby guardian of his/her minor child(ren), has not revoked your authority, and you want your authority to last more than 180 days.
Petition To Transfer Guardianship To Maryland
Use this form to ask a Maryland court to accept the transfer of a guardianship from another state to Maryland.
Petition to Transfer Guardianship to Another County
Use this form if you are the guardian of a minor or disabled person and want the guardianship to
be transferred to the circuit court in another county in Maryland.
Petition to Transfer Guardianship to Another State
Use this form if you are the guardian of a disabled person or minor and want the court to transfer the guardianship from Maryland to another state.
Physician's Certificate
A physician must complete this form at the request of a petitioner in a legal proceeding to request a guardian for the patient.
Pre-Hearing Statement (Guardianship)
Use this form if the court ordered you to file a pre-hearing statement in a guardianship case.
Preuve de Compte Restreint de Tutelle (Bilingual - French)
Proof of Restricted Guardianship Account
Use this form if you are a guardian of the property and the court ordered you to place guardianship funds in a restricted account.
Prospective Guardian Information Sheet
Use this form if you want the court to appoint you as guardian of a minor or alleged disabled person,but you are not the petitioner (the person asking the court to appoint a guardian for the minor or alleged disabled person).
Prueba de Cuenta de Tutela Restringida (Bilingual - Spanish)
Proof Of Restricted Guardianship Account
Psychologist's Certificate
A petitioner will use this certificate in a legal proceeding to request a guardian for the patient of a psychologist.
Purchase Order - Civil Forms
Use this form to order packages (100 forms per package) of specific civil forms from the District Court Warehouse. Forms available for purchase using this form include: DC-CV-001, DC-CV-002, DC-CV-031, DC-CV-032, DC-CV-040, DC-CV-060, DC-CV-065, DC-CV-081, and the DC-CV-082. NOTE: You can pick up a single form FREE at the District Court location nearest you.
Purchase Order - Miscellaneous Forms
Use this form to order packages (100 forms per package) of miscellaneous forms that do not appear on the Purchase Order - Civil Forms (DCA-040) from the District Court Warehouse. NOTE: You can pick up a single form FREE at the District Court location nearest you.
Rapport Annuel du Tuteur du Mineur (Bilingual French)
Annual Report of Guardian of a Minor
Rapport Annuel du Tuteur de la Personne Handicapée (Bilingual French)
Annual Report of Guardian of Disabled Person
Renuncia a Las Notificaciones: Persona Interesada (Bilingual - Spanish)
Waiver Of Notice – Interested Person
Réponse À La Requête De Tutelle De Mineur (Bilingual - French)
Answer To Petition For Guardianship Of Minor
Réponse À La Requête De Tutelle De La Personne Présumée Handicapée (Bilingual - French)
Request For Expedited Hearing In Connection With Medical Treatment
Use this form to ask the court to hold an expedited hearing on your petition for guardianship of the person of an alleged disabled person.
Request for CD Recording/Transcript
Use this form to request a copy of a compact disc (CD) / electronic recording or a written transcript of a case. NOTE: A typed transcript may be obtained only when the person making the request has appealed a District Court judgment in a civil case where the amount of the claim is more than $5,000. Recordings on compact disc format may be requested by anyone.
Request for Traffic Violation(s) Installment Payment Plan
Request for Traffic Violation(s) Installment Payment Plan
Use this form to request an installment payment plan from the court clerk if you: have outstanding traffic citation fine(s) that total at least $150.00 and agree to make monthly installment payments of 10% of the total fine.
Request to Register Guardianship Order
Use this form to ask a Maryland court to register another state’s guardianship order.