Court Form Search
Most Maryland court forms and brochures are available in this index. Use the filters on the left to narrow your search by topic, court, and language. Not sure which form you need? Use a Court Forms Finder, which will guide you through a series of questions to help identify the form you need. Still have questions? Call the Maryland Court Help Center at 410-260-1392.
Using Search will allow you to filter the list of titles by form number or keyword. This can be helpful if you are unsure where the form is categorized or if you are looking for multiple forms related to a single topic. If you are searching by form number, the number format must end with three numeric digits (example: DC-CV-001 or DCCV001).
Solicitud de Adaptaciones para Persona con Discapacidad (Bilingual - Spanish)
Request For Accommodation For Person With Disability
Solicitud de Cambio de Dirección (Bilingual Spanish)
Solicitud De Cambio De Dirección (Bilingual Spanish)
Solicitud de exencion del pago anticipado de costos (Bilingual - Spanish)
Request for Waiver of Prepaid Costs
Solicitud de exencion final de costos debidos (Bilingual - Spanish)
Solicitud para Inspeccionar Registros Públicos (Bilingual - Spanish Format)
Solicitud para un Intérprete de Lengua Extranjera (Bilingual - Spanish)
Request For Spoken Language Interpreter
Solicitud Para Representación De La Oficina Del Defensor Público (Bilingual - Spanish)
Solicitud para Una Ealuación de Emergencia (Bilingual - Spanish)
Solicitud de Protección de mi Dirección/Número de Teléfono en Los Registros de un Caso Penal (Bilingual Spanish)
Request to shield my address/telephone number in a criminal case record
Special Officer Final Report
Use this form if you were a panel attorney in a criminal case in order to document your final report, which includes: client information, charges, pleas, hours, dates of appearances, disposition, and appeal information.
Special Officer Petition for Legal Fees
Use this form if you were a panel attorney in a criminal case in order to document your billable hours and expenses for legal fees incurred.
Statement in Support of Waiver of Prepaid Costs by Clerk
Use this form if you are an attorney retained through: Maryland Legal Aid, the Office of the Public Defender, or a pro bono or legal services program representing an individual and want to request the waiver of prepayment of prepaid costs without the need for a court order.
Uniform Civil Citation - Sample
This is a sample of a Uniform Civil Citation, which may be issued to a defendant who is 18 years or older for violations of certain civil codes, statutes, municipal infractions, or local ordinances.
Working Effectively with Interpreters in the Courtroom
Do You Need a Court Interpreter?
This brochure explains the process for asking the court for a free court interpreter in a case.
бланк информированного согласия на отказ от прав (Bilingual Russian)
Запрос На Изменение Адреса (Bilingual Russian)
Запрос На Изменение Адреса (Bilingual Russian)
Запрос о Создании Особых Условий Для Инвалида (Bilingual - Russian)
Request For Accommodation For Person With Disability
Запрос На Сокрытие Моего Адреса/Номера Телефона В Материалах Уголовного Дела (Bilingual Russian)
Request to shield my address/telephone number in a criminal case record