Court Form Search
Most Maryland court forms and brochures are available in this index. Use the filters on the left to narrow your search by topic, court, and language. Not sure which form you need? Use a Court Forms Finder, which will guide you through a series of questions to help identify the form you need. Still have questions? Call the Maryland Court Help Center at 410-260-1392.
Using Search will allow you to filter the list of titles by form number or keyword. This can be helpful if you are unsure where the form is categorized or if you are looking for multiple forms related to a single topic. If you are searching by form number, the number format must end with three numeric digits (example: DC-CV-001 or DCCV001).
Informe Anual De Tutor Del Menor (Bilingual Spanish)
Annual Report of Guardian of a Minor
Informe Anual De Tutor de Persona Discapacitada (Bilingual Spanish)
Annual Report of Guardian of Disabled Person
Instrucciones Para Completar El Informe de inventario e Información CC-GN-011 (Bilingual Spanish)
Use this instruction form to complete an estate inventory in a guardianship case (form CC-GN-011.)
Instrucciones Para Completar la Solicitud de Tutela De La Persona o De Los Bienes De Una Persona Presuntamente Discapacitada (CC-GN-002) (Bilingual - Spanish)
Instructions For Completing Petition For Guardianship Of The Person And/Or Property Of An Alleged Disabled Person (Cc-Gn-002)
Instrucciones Para Completar la Solicitud de Tutela de la Persona y de Los Bienes de un Menor (CC-GN-001)(Bilingual - Spanish)
Instructions For Completing Petition For Guardianship Of The Person And / Or Property Of A Minor (CC-GN-001)
Instructions for Completing CC-GN-001
Use this instruction for when completing a Petition for Guardianship of the Person and/or Property
Instructions for Completing CC-GN-002
Use this instruction form when asking the court to appoint you or someone else as a guardian.
Instructions Pour Remplir Le Rapport D’inventaire Et D’informations CC-GN-011 (Bilingual French)
Use this instruction form to complete an estate inventory in a guardianship case (form CC-GN-011.)
Instructions Pour Remplir Une Requête de Tutelle à la Personne et/ou Aux Biens D’une Personne Présumée (Bilingual - French)
Instructions For Completing Petition For Guardianship Of The Person And/Or Property Of An Alleged Disabled Person (Cc-Gn-002)
Instructions Pour Remplir Une Requête De Tutelle à la Personne et/ou Aux Biens D’un Mineur (CC-GN-001) (Bilingual - French)
Instructions For Completing Petition For Guardianship Of The Person And / Or Property Of A Minor (CC-GN-001)
Inventory And Information Report Instructions
Use this instruction form to complete an estate inventory in a guardianship case (form CC-GN-011.)
Inventory & Information Report
Use this form if you are a guardian of the property to file your initial inventory with the court. See instructions here.
Irrevocable Designation Of Person On Whom Service Of Process May Be Made
Use this form if you are a guardian who lives in another state to name a Maryland resident to receive service on your behalf.
Licensed Certified Social Worker-Clinical (LCSW-C) Certificate
A petitioner will use this certificate in a legal proceeding to request a guardian for the patient of a licensed social worker.
Medical Certificate - Cessation of Disability
A petitioner will use this certificate in a legal proceeding to terminate the appointment of guardian when a patient's disability ends.
Motion for Appropriate Relief- Guardianship Proceeding
Use this form if you are the guardian of a minor or disabled person and want the court’s permission to take an action not allowed in the order appointing you as guardian or that requires court permission.
Motion for Service by Clerk Concerning Request to Shield Protective Order Records
Use this form in a case involving shielding information in protective order records.
Motion Pour Redressement Approprié – Procédures de Tutelle (Bilingual - French)
Motion for Appropriate Relief - Guardianship Proceeding
Motion to Review Guardianship
Use this form to ask the court to address your concern about the guardianship of a minor or disabled person. For example, use this form if you think the guardian is not fulfilling their responsibilities, is mismanaging funds, or not taking proper care of the person’s medical or personal needs.
Notice Des Droits – Tuteur Aux Biens (Bilingual French)
Advice Of Rights - Guardian Of The Property
Notice to Interested Person - Guardian of the Person
This notice alerts individuals that court documents have been filed that may result in someone they know losing valuable rights to make individual decisions.
Notice to Interested Person (Md. Rule 10-403(f))
Use this form to notify persons concerned with the welfare of a minor named in a standby guardianship case.
Notice to Interested Persons - Guardian of the Property
This notice alerts individuals that court documents have been filed that may result in someone they know losing the right to manage his or her property.