Court Form Search
Most Maryland court forms and brochures are available in this index. Use the filters on the left to narrow your search by topic, court, and language. Not sure which form you need? Use a Court Forms Finder, which will guide you through a series of questions to help identify the form you need. Still have questions? Call the Maryland Court Help Center at 410-260-1392.
Using Search will allow you to filter the list of titles by form number or keyword. This can be helpful if you are unsure where the form is categorized or if you are looking for multiple forms related to a single topic. If you are searching by form number, the number format must end with three numeric digits (example: DC-CV-001 or DCCV001).
Addendum to Peace Order Petition
Use this form to provide law enforcement with a description of a respondent for service of process. Learn more at
Anexo de Orden de Paz (Bilingual - Spanish)
Addendum To Petition For Peace Order
Annexe À La Requête Pour Une Ordonnance Enjoignant Une Personne De Rester À L'écart (Peace Order) (Bilingual French)
성명 변경 신청 (성인) (Bilingual Korean)
Use this form to ask the court to legally change the name of an adult.
화해 명령 보충 문건 (Bilingual Korean)
¿Cómo presentar una Orden de Paz o de Protección?
Brochure - How To File A Peace Or Protection Order
Consentement À Un Changement De Nom (Bilingual French)
Consentement Opposition Du Mineur À Une Déclaration Judiciaire D’identité Sexuelle Avec Sans Changement De Nom (Bilingual French)
Consentement Opposition Du Parent/Tuteur/Représentant Légal À Une Déclaration Judiciaire D’identité Sexuelle D’un Mineur Avec Sans Changement De Nom (Bilingual French)
Consentimiento Para Cambio de Nombre (Bilingual - Spanish Format)
CONSENT TO CHANGE OF NAME / (Consent of Parent, Guardian or Custodian)
Consentimiento Para El Cambio De Nombre (Bilingual Spanish)
Demande De Dissimulation Des Enregistrements D'ordonnance Enjoignant Une Personne De Rester À L’écart Consentie ( Bilingual French)
Demande De Retrait De Mon Adresse De L’accès Public (Bilingual French)
Use this form if disclosing your address on a Peace Order petition would put you at risk of further harm.
General Waiver and Release - for use with shielding of domestic violence and peace order records
Use this form if requesting to shield domestic violence (CC-DC-DV-021 A or B) or peace order (CC-DC-PO-016 A or B) records and it is earlier than three (3) years after the denial or dismissal of the petition or after the consent expires. This is a release of all the requesting party’s claims for damages relating to this proceeding and any and all tort claims that may arise out of this proceeding.
Menor: Consentimiento Para Objeción Sobre El Cambio De Nombre (Bilingual Spanish)
Menor: Consentimiento Para Objeción Sobre La Declaración Judicial De Identidad De Género Con Sin Cambio De Nombre (Bilingual Spanish)
Du Mineur Consentement Opposition Au Changement De Nom (Bilingual French)
Minor's Consent/Objection to Change of Name
Minor's Consent/Objection to Judicial Declaration of Gender Identity With/Without a Name Change
Motion for Restoration of Former Name
Use this form in a divorce case to restore a former name. Watch a short video on the name change court process.