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Workstream 2 - Workforce Development

The Workforce Development component of CONNECT covers two primary aspects of HR - Performance Management and Learning Management.

Figure with ladder and checkbox checked next to Exceeds Expectations

Performance Management

Performance Management will standardize and automate the majority of the Judiciary’s performance evaluation processes and forms. This portion of the system within CONNECT will let managers and employees collaborate on the performance review procedures more collaboratively through an online, paperless process. It provides the capability to view performance documents in an easy to use, flexible format. Additionally, the system will have individual Learning and Development Plans for career tracking as well as Performance Improvement Plans.

Enterprise Learning Management (ELM)

The Enterprise Learning Management (ELM) portion of Workforce Development focuses on managing the training and education of each Judiciary employee. It will modernize how Judiciary employees manage their learning needs and develop plans that align to those needs. Additionally, ELM will streamline and simplify how the Education Division administers its learning opportunities.
laptops surrounding World globe
Judiciary employees, considered “Learners”, can search for, enroll in, and request new learning from their learning home page. They will have access to their own learning dashboard. This allows each person to view their current enrollments, enrollment approvals, and identify future learning they need to complete.

Managers have the functionality to see current and historical learning and future learning plans of their team members’. They will also be able to enroll team members into additional courses.

Through ELM, all courses and classes will be located in one centralized learning catalog and be easily accessible and maintained. Administrators can then enroll individuals, groups, or even mass enroll, learners. The Administrators can package groups of courses into certification (recurring training) or curricula (one time training) programs.


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