Child Counsel Training Materials

Last Updated: 2018

1. Child Counsel and Custody Rules and Guidelines

  1. Maryland Rule 9-205.1
  2. Maryland Guidelines for Practice for Court Appointed Lawyers Representing Children in Cases Involving Child Custody or Child Access
  3. Custody and Visitation Related Rule Assessments, Maryland Rule 9-205.3

2. Case Law Supplement

  1. Child Custody and Related Case Abstracts


3. Childhood Development and Access Schedules

  1. "Child Development, Research on Overnights for Young Children, & Developmentally Appropriate Access Schedules" Paul C. Berman, Ph.D. and  Rebecca Snyder, Psy.D.
  2. "A Summary of Childhood Development and Implications for Parenting Plans and Access Schedules", Paul C. Berman, Ph.D. and  Rebecca Snyder, Psy.D.
  3. "Stages of Child Development", Marsha Kline Pruett, Ph.D., Smith College for Social Work

4. Therapists/Dual Roles

  1. "The Treating Expert: A Hybrid Role with Firm Boundaries"- Lyn R. Greenberg and Jonathon W. Gould
  2. "Irreconcilable Conflict between Therapeutic and Forensic Roles" - Greenberg, S, & Shuman, D.
  3. "Guidelines for Court Involved Therapy", Association for Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) Guidelines,
  4. "Age Appropriate Parenting Access Plans", Ohio Task Force on Family Law and Children (based on significant social science research)

5. Parenting Coordination

  1. American Psychological Association, (APA) Guidelines
  2. Association for Family and Conciliation Courts, (AFCC) Guidelines

6. Custody Evaluations - Guidelines and Maryland Regulation

  1. American Psychological Association, (APA) Guidelines
  2. Association for Family and Conciliation Courts, (AFCC) Guidelines
  3. Maryland Regulations for Psychologists
  4. American Psychological Association (APA), Specialty Forensic Guidelines

7. Interviewing Children

  1. A structured forensic interview protocol improves the quality and informativeness of investigative interview with children:  A review of research using the NICHD Investigative Interview Protocol, Michael E. Lamb, Yael Orbach, Irit Hershkowitz, Phillip W. Esplin, Dvora Horowitz

8. Childhood Attachment

  1. "Attachment  101  for  Attorneys:  Implications for Infant Placement Decisions", Eleanor Willemsen and Kristen Marcel

9. Practice Materials

  1. "Ten Commandments for Best Interest Attorney", Kevin Hessler and Donna Van Scoy
  2. "Serving as the Best Interest Attorney in Custody Cases", Kevin Hessler and Donna Van Scoy
  3. "Representing Children in Custody Cases", Keith N. Schiszik
  4. Sample Letters
  5. Interviewing and Examining
  6. Other Sample Documents (Letters to other parties, waivers, fee petition)
  7. "Use and Misuse of Expert Witnesses", AFCC Symposium on Child Custody Evaluations, Mindy Mitnick, Ed.M., M.A., Susan M. Lach, JD, Hon. Kevin McGrath
  8. BIA Fee Petitions
  9. Motion for Amendment of Order Appointing Counsel for Minor Child

10. Child Custody Evaluations Reference Materials

  1. "The Role of the Child Custody Evaluator and the Best Interest Attorney", Keith Schiszik and Mary Sanders
  2. Sample Referral Questions for Psychological Custody Evaluations
  3. "Child Custody Evaluations", Ronald R. Tweel, Family Law News, MSBA Section Council of the Section of Family & Juvenile Law
  4. "Custody and Visitation Cases; How to Serve the Child's Best Interests", The Honorable Diane O. Leasure, Alisa Gross Cummins, Keith N. Schiszik

11. Commission on Child Custody Decision-Making (CCCDM)

  1. Final Report of the CCCDM - December 2014

12. Local Child Counsel Appointment Procedures, Policies, and Orders

  1. Overview Chart, Compiled by Susan Land

13. Individual County Policies and Orders