Last Updated: 2018
1. Child Counsel and Custody Rules and Guidelines
- Maryland Rule 9-205.1
- Maryland Guidelines for Practice for Court Appointed Lawyers Representing Children in Cases Involving Child Custody or Child Access
- Custody and Visitation Related Rule Assessments, Maryland Rule 9-205.3
2. Case Law Supplement
3. Childhood Development and Access Schedules
- "Child Development, Research on Overnights for Young Children, & Developmentally Appropriate Access Schedules" Paul C. Berman, Ph.D. and Rebecca Snyder, Psy.D.
- "A Summary of Childhood Development and Implications for Parenting Plans and Access Schedules", Paul C. Berman, Ph.D. and Rebecca Snyder, Psy.D.
- "Stages of Child Development", Marsha Kline Pruett, Ph.D., Smith College for Social Work
4. Therapists/Dual Roles
- "The Treating Expert: A Hybrid Role with Firm Boundaries"- Lyn R. Greenberg and Jonathon W. Gould
- "Irreconcilable Conflict between Therapeutic and Forensic Roles" - Greenberg, S, & Shuman, D.
- "Guidelines for Court Involved Therapy", Association for Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) Guidelines,
- "Age Appropriate Parenting Access Plans", Ohio Task Force on Family Law and Children (based on significant social science research)
5. Parenting Coordination
- American Psychological Association, (APA) Guidelines
- Association for Family and Conciliation Courts, (AFCC) Guidelines
6. Custody Evaluations - Guidelines and Maryland Regulation
- American Psychological Association, (APA) Guidelines
- Association for Family and Conciliation Courts, (AFCC) Guidelines
- Maryland Regulations for Psychologists
- American Psychological Association (APA), Specialty Forensic Guidelines
7. Interviewing Children
- A structured forensic interview protocol improves the quality and informativeness of investigative interview with children: A review of research using the NICHD Investigative Interview Protocol, Michael E. Lamb, Yael Orbach, Irit Hershkowitz, Phillip W. Esplin, Dvora Horowitz
8. Childhood Attachment
- "Attachment 101 for Attorneys: Implications for Infant Placement Decisions", Eleanor Willemsen and Kristen Marcel
9. Practice Materials
- "Ten Commandments for Best Interest Attorney", Kevin Hessler and Donna Van Scoy
- "Serving as the Best Interest Attorney in Custody Cases", Kevin Hessler and Donna Van Scoy
- "Representing Children in Custody Cases", Keith N. Schiszik
- Sample Letters
- Interviewing and Examining
- Other Sample Documents (Letters to other parties, waivers, fee petition)
- "Use and Misuse of Expert Witnesses", AFCC Symposium on Child Custody Evaluations, Mindy Mitnick, Ed.M., M.A., Susan M. Lach, JD, Hon. Kevin McGrath
- BIA Fee Petitions
- Motion for Amendment of Order Appointing Counsel for Minor Child
10. Child Custody Evaluations Reference Materials
- "The Role of the Child Custody Evaluator and the Best Interest Attorney", Keith Schiszik and Mary Sanders
- Sample Referral Questions for Psychological Custody Evaluations
- "Child Custody Evaluations", Ronald R. Tweel, Family Law News, MSBA Section Council of the Section of Family & Juvenile Law
- "Custody and Visitation Cases; How to Serve the Child's Best Interests", The Honorable Diane O. Leasure, Alisa Gross Cummins, Keith N. Schiszik
11. Commission on Child Custody Decision-Making (CCCDM)
12. Local Child Counsel Appointment Procedures, Policies, and Orders
- Overview Chart, Compiled by Susan Land