Office of Communications and Public Affairs
2011-D Commerce Park Drive
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
For Immediate Release
Judge Barbara Baer Waxman Named as Administrative Judge
for District Court of Maryland, Baltimore City
(ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Sept. 27, 2013) Maryland Court of Appeals Chief Judge Mary Ellen Barbera has named Baltimore City District Judge Barbara Baer Waxman as the new administrative judge for District 1, Baltimore City. Judge Waxman will replace Judge John R. Hargrove, Jr., who will head the new Judiciary Task Force on Pretrial Confinement.

Judge Waxman was appointed to the District Court in 1991. She served on various judicial committees, including the Bail System Task Force and the Mental Health, Alcoholism and Addiction Committee, and chaired the Criminal and Civil Law committees, Criminal Law and Motor Vehicle Committee, and Domestic Violence Coordinating Council. Judge Waxman has served on the Administrative Judges Committee since 1997.
“Judge Waxman is an amazing woman, an accomplished jurist and has exactly the right skill set to assume the leadership of the District Court of Maryland in Baltimore City,” said Chief Judge Barbera.
“I am humbled and honored by the appointment as administrative judge for the District Court for Baltimore City by Chief Judge Barbera,” said Judge Waxman. “I will continue to do my best to dispense justice to the citizens of Baltimore in a fair, respectful and courteous manner. I look forward to this new opportunity and challenge.”
Judge Hargrove has been appointed by District Court of Maryland Chief Judge Ben C. Clyburn to the Judiciary Task Force on Pretrial Confinement and Release. The new task force will study the pretrial detention processes, including the recommendations and rules changes for the implementation of the DeWolfe vs. Richmond decision. Judge Hargrove will continue to preside over cases as he assumes this new leadership role.
“Judge Hargrove’s experience as an administrative judge, trial judge and commissioner makes him uniquely qualified to head the new Pretrial Task Force,” said Chief Judge Clyburn. “He has presided over the successful implementation of the Early Resolution Court, which is designed for the early disposal of cases involving minor offenses.”
“I am delighted about the opportunity to serve in this capacity,” said Judge Hargrove. “This is a timely issue that all respective branches of government are examining, and to assume a leadership role at this time is exciting.”
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