Nadine Maeser
Public Information Officer
Terri Charles
Asst. Public Information Officer
February 19, 2019
580 Taylor Avenue
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Media Advisory:
Circuit Court for Calvert County to honor Adult Treatment Court graduates
On Thursday, Feb. 21, 11 graduates will celebrate their sobriety and successful completion of a court-supervised program during a graduation ceremony for the Circuit Court for Calvert County’s Adult Treatment Court.
Since the Adult Treatment Court’s inception in 2015, more than 65 individuals have graduated from the program, which focuses on assisting participants in achieving self-sufficiency and becoming responsible members of the community.
WHO: Administrative Judge Marjorie L. Clagett, presiding
Associate Judge Mark S. Chandlee
Associate Judge Gregory Wells
Speaker Scott F. Travers, Regional Director for Anne Arundel/Southern Maryland Office of U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen
Keynote speaker Lindsay Evensen, Peer Recovery Support Specialist
Western Maryland Health System
WHAT: Circuit Court for Calvert County Adult Treatment Court Graduation
WHEN: Thursday, Feb. 21, at 1 p.m.
WHERE: Courtroom 1, Circuit Court for Calvert County, 175 Main St., Prince Frederick
NOTE: Please contact the Maryland Judiciary’s Government Relations and Public Affairs Division by email at if you plan to attend or have questions. The use of cameras must be approved in advance, and all persons being photographed should be asked for their consent to be photographed.