Nadine Maeser
Public Information Officer

Terri Charles
Asst. Public Information Officer


December 2, 2019

Government Relations and Public Affairs
187 Harry S. Truman Parkway
Annapolis, Maryland 21401

Media Advisory
Anne Arundel County District Court to honor Drug and DUI Court graduates

Seven graduates will celebrate their sobriety and successful completion of a rigorous court-supervised program during the winter graduation ceremony of the Anne Arundel County District Court Adult Drug and DUI Court on Thursday, Dec. 5.

Since its start in 1997, more than 900 individuals have graduated from the program. Friends and families of graduates will be in attendance. Additionally, Chef Ashish Alfred, Bethesda native and award-winning chef and restaurateur, will share the story of his battle with addiction and sobriety as the event’s keynote speaker. Alfred has appeared on the Food Network and recently shared his story on the NBC “Today” show.

WHO:            Anne Arundel County District Judge Thomas J. Pryal, presiding
                      Chef Ashish Alfred, Duck Duck Goose restaurant, keynote speaker
WHAT:           Anne Arundel County District Court Drug and DUI Court graduation

WHEN:          Thursday, Dec. 5 at 1:30 p.m.

WHERE:       Courtroom 4, Anne Arundel County District Court, 251 Rowe Blvd., Annapolis

NOTE: Please contact the Maryland Judiciary, Government Relations and Public Affairs, by email at or 410-260-1488, if you plan to attend or have questions about the event. Cameras will not be allowed in the courtroom during the graduation ceremony; however, members of the media may conduct on-camera interviews in the lobby area outside of the courtroom. Judge Pryal and Chef Alfred will be available for interviews immediately after the graduation ceremony. All persons being photographed should be asked for their consent before a picture is taken. Program participants can also be interviewed after the ceremony.

