February 19, 2025


Government Relations and Public Affairs
187 Harry S. Truman Parkway
Annapolis, Maryland 21401


Media Advisory:
Baltimore City District Court Re-Entry Project celebrates 11th graduation 
Retired Baltimore Ravens running back Obafemi Ayanbadejo to serve as the keynote speaker

On Friday, February 21, 2025, 16 graduates of the Baltimore City District Court Re-Entry Project (DCREP) will be recognized for their successful completion of the program. Baltimore City District Court Judge Nicole Pastore presides and founded DCREP in 2016 as a court-focused, criminal recidivism initiative offering defendants an opportunity to participate in full-time job training and job placement programs as a condition of their probation or in lieu of incarceration. To date, approximately 250 participants have completed the program. The DCREP graduates will be joined by family, friends, judges, and prosecutors who celebrate their achievement.

In addition, retired Baltimore Ravens running back and 2000 Super Bowl XXXV Champion Obafemi Ayanbadejo will serve as the keynote speaker. Ayanbadejo played for the National Football League (NFL) and United Football League (UFL) on multiple teams, including the Baltimore Ravens (1999–2002), Miami Dolphins (2003), Arizona Cardinals (2004–2007), Chicago Bears (2007), and the UFL’s California Redwoods (2009). He played college football at San Diego State and later earned Master of Business Administration from the Carey Business School at Johns Hopkins University.

WHAT:Baltimore City District Court Re-Entry Project’s 11th graduation ceremony
WHEN:Friday, February 21, 2025, 11 a.m.
WHERE:District Court in Baltimore City
Eastside District Court Building, Courtroom 7
1400 E. North Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21213
WHO:District Court of Maryland Chief Judge John P. Morrissey
Baltimore City District Court Administrative Judge Geoffrey G. Hengerer
Baltimore City District Court Judge Nicole Pastore, presiding
Baltimore Ravens player Obafemi Ayanbadejo, keynote speaker
Baltimore City District Court Re-Entry Project graduates

NOTE: Please contact the Maryland Judiciary, Government Relations and Public Affairs, by email at [email protected] or 410-260-1488, if you plan to attend or have questions about the event. Cameras will not be allowed in the courtroom during the graduation ceremony; however, members of the media may conduct on-camera interviews in the hallway outside of the courtroom. Judge Pastore will be available for interviews before or after the ceremony. All persons being photographed should be asked for their consent. Program participants can also be interviewed before or after the ceremony.


Nicholas Cavey
Public Information Officer
[email protected]

Terri Charles
Deputy Public Information Officer
[email protected]