September 1, 2020
187 Harry S. Truman Parkway
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Maryland attorneys must pay the court-mandated annual assessment and file pro bono and IOLTA reports no later than September 10
ANNAPOLIS, Md. – All active Maryland attorneys must complete their annual compliance requirements by September 10. By is date, attorneys must pay the annual assessment; confirm their tax identification (ID) number, if they have one; submit a Pro Bono Legal Service report; and submit the Interest on Lawyers Trust Account (IOLTA) report.
Maryland lawyers on active status who fail to pay the annual assessment by September 10 will incur a late fee. Failure to pay the assessment, confirm their tax ID number, or to complete pro bono and IOLTA reporting may subject them to temporary suspension or decertification from the practice of law.
While attorneys may choose to pay the assessment online or through the U.S. mail, accompanied by an invoice printed from the Attorney Information System (AIS), pro bono and IOLTA reports must be completed online.
For additional information about attorney compliance requirements and AIS, visit
Nadine Maeser
Public Information Officer
Terri Charles
Asst. Public Information Officer