Concerns about Discrimination and Religious Accommodations
The Office of Legal Affairs and Fair Practices investigates complaints of unlawful discrimination, harassment and retaliation against employees, vendors and users of the Judiciary's programs and services. Also, if you need an accommodation for religious reasons you should contact the Office of Legal Affairs and Fair Practices.
Concerns about Maryland Lawyers
The Attorney Grievance Commission oversees the discipline of Maryland lawyers. The commission reviews the conduct of lawyers to determine the need for discipline or alternatives to discipline. The Attorney Grievance Commission also seeks to prevent the unauthorized practice of law. Contact the commission if you have questions or complaints about the conduct of a Maryland lawyer.
Contact the Attorney Grievance Commission
Concerns about a Maryland Judge
The Commission on Judicial Disabilities is an independent body with the power to investigate complaints against Maryland judges and, when warranted, conduct hearings about complaints and take certain actions or recommend other actions to the Supreme Court of Maryland. Contact the commission if you have questions or complaints about the conduct of a Maryland judge.
Contact the Commission on Judicial Disabilities
Concerns about the Outcome of Your Case
Court agencies and entities usually cannot intervene to change what happened in your case. If you are unhappy with the decision that was made in your case, you may have a right to file an appeal to a higher court. There are strict deadlines and filing requirements that you must meet if you want to file an appeal.
Appeal a decision (People's Law Library)
Concerns about Interpretation Services
The Court Interpreter Program manages and oversees interpreters used by the courts, both in person and on the telephone. Submit an Interpretation Services Feedback Form if you have questions or concerns about interpretation services.
Concerns about the Courts
If you have a concern about the Courts that does not fit one of the other categories on this page, you may contact Access to Justice in the Administrative Office of the Courts at or 410-260-1068. While staff cannot give legal advice, or take action that affects the decision in your case, staff can answer questions, help to resolve concerns, and make referrals to sources of legal help. Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions on Concerns about the Courts before contacting Access to Justice.