Unreported Opinions Index

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The opinions posted on this page are UNREPORTED. An unreported opinion may not be cited in any paper, brief, motion, or other document filed in this Court, or any other Maryland court, as either precedent within the rule of stare decisis or as persuasive authority. Maryland Rule 1-104.

Unreported opinions filed from May 1, 2015 to present are available through the Main Directory of Unreported Appellate Opinions. For opinions filed prior to May 1, 2015, only a reference to the decision is available. Copies of unreported opinions filed prior to May 1, 2015 are available from the Clerk's office.


Court Filed Docket File Term Judge Appellant Appellee
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-30-2024 1000 23 Berger Silva, Francisco Alexander State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-30-2024 2198 22 Arthur Williams, Phillip State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-30-2024 0178 23 Friedman RAS Group Turnbow
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-29-2024 2331 22 Shaw In the Matter of Chimick, Karla J.
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-29-2024 0578 23 Kenney Coleman, Dawson State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-29-2024 1868 23 Ripken Barahona, Aurelio Snyder
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-29-2024 0627 23 Ripken Scott, Devon Allen Odell State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-26-2024 2263 22 McDonald Howes, Gary Howes
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-26-2024 0080 23 Graeff Tax Lien Law Group EagleBank
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-24-2024 1080 22 Zic Miller, David State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-24-2024 0563 23 Albright Broadus, Miquan Rashad State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-23-2024 2206 23 Tang Banks, Linda Ann Brown
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-23-2024 0573 23 Leahy Moss, Jamar State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-23-2024 1813 22 Graeff Brooks, Isiah Donte State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-22-2024 0417 23 Shaw Brown, Wilbur, Jr. Williams-Brown
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-22-2024 0355 22 Leahy Ferrell, Martinez D. State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-22-2024 1083 23 Kehoe, S. Franzone, Alivia State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-18-2024 2160 23 Shaw Byad, Jamal El Amaral
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-18-2024 0590 23 Shaw Ennals, Dion Darnell State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-18-2024 0861 23 Graeff In the Matter of the Petition of the York Road P'ship
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-18-2024 1961 17 Sharer Vasilakopoulos, Konstantinos Thomas & Libowitz, P.A.
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-17-2024 0328 23 Nazarian Campbell, Sebastian A. McCally
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-17-2024 1342 23 Nazarian Evans, Megan Chava Dredze
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-17-2024 1031 23 Meredith Ucheomumu, Andrew Proper
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-17-2024 1719 22 Berger Jordan-El, Hakim Shihad State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-17-2024 2075 22 Raker Paige, Labria State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-15-2024 2117 23 Reed Simmons, Robert Simmons
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-12-2024 2307 23 Beachley Maryland Indoor Play Snowden Investments
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-12-2024 0683 23 Beachley Maryland Indoor Play Snowden Investments
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-12-2024 0670 23 Friedman Gilbert, Samuel B. State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-11-2024 1385 23 Arthur Manson, Jackelyn Marie Taylor
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-11-2024 1357 22 Nazarian Johnson, Rendell Markeith State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-11-2024 1315 23 Woodward In re: K.W. & M.W.
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-10-2024 2063 22 Ausby Charles, Ricky State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-10-2024 0075 23 Albright Laurenzano, Peter Freeway Airpor
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-10-2024 0233 23 Friedman Schiff, Graham State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-10-2024 0459 23 Moylan English, Jonathan State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-09-2024 0738 23 Berger Estate of Hewick, Jai Seong Cho Hewic,
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-09-2024 1830 22 Arthur Farmer, Cynthia Bowie
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-09-2024 1980 23 Friedman In re: J.E.
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-09-2024 2053 23 Tang In re: S.W.
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-08-2024 2310 22 Graeff Jenkins, John State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-08-2024 2032 22 Nazarian Copes, Robert L., Jr. State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-08-2024 1588 22 Tang In the Matter of Anne Arundel Cnty.
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-08-2024 0932 23 Zarnoch Johnson, James Darnell State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-05-2024 0585 23 Alpert Whittman, William Ivey
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-05-2024 1667 23 Per Curiam In the Matter of Sorrick, Kevin
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-05-2024 0687 23 Per Curiam Thomas, Lorenzo State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-05-2024 2242 23 Per Curiam Floyd, Leslie Dipietro
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-05-2024 2016 23 Per Curiam Mongo, Doris N. O'Sullivan
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-05-2024 2008 23 Per Curiam Ivanov, Pavel S. State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-05-2024 1720 23 Per Curiam Gilchrist, Clarence Henry
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-05-2024 1359 23 Per Curiam Queen, Philip Lee State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-05-2024 1309 23 Per Curiam Gardner, Reginald State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-05-2024 0631 23 Raker Jones, Keith State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-05-2024 0976 23 Graeff Buck, Rosalie V. Steele
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-05-2024 0630 23 Beachley Price, Donte State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-05-2024 1173 23 Graeff Holmes, Terrell State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-03-2024 1053 23 Albright Allen, DeAndre Marquis State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-02-2024 1129 23 Per Curiam Sneed, Shawn C. State
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-02-2024 0313 23 Shaw Blue Heron Cove Condo. Ass'n. Pachler
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-02-2024 0984 23 Per Curiam Gross, Valedia Ward
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-02-2024 0235 23 Per Curiam Sandy, Emerson Vanajah
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-02-2024 0482 23 Shaw Coerbell, Chuter O'Sullivan
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-02-2024 0334 22 Albright Kent MCAP Holdings Leadtec Services
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-02-2024 1841 23 Ripken Patail, Michelle L. Wille
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-02-2024 0212 23 Zic Kidner, Leslie W. Watson
Appellate Court of Maryland 07-01-2024 2883 18 Alpert Jackson, Shawn State