301-475-7844, Ext. 74560 or 74566
301-475-2851 (FAX)
Email: [email protected]
November 2022 | New Phone Scam about Jury Duty Reported
The St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office is receiving reports of scammers making telephone calls impersonating member(s) of the agency threatening citizens with arrests, claiming they have missed jury duty or have warrants for their arrest.
The St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office will not call you regarding jury duty or seeking funds for arrest warrants. The St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office will also not call you demanding funds be paid in lieu of arrests. Read more.
Recorded Reporting Instructions (after 5:00 p.m.)
1-866-SMC-JURY, 1-866-762-5879 or 301-475-3550 or see Jury Announcements for online reporting instructions and schedule
"Jury Service is an important aspect of the rights, privileges and freedoms we all enjoy in the nation; and YOUR service is greatly appreciated by the Court. Fair and impartial jurors are essential to our system of justice. I hope you will find your jury service interesting and rewarding. If we can be of any assistance to you, please let us know."
Debra J. "Debbie" Burch, Clerk of the Circuit Court
If you have received a questionnaire/summons for jury service, please check to see if you have been selected for TRIAL or GRAND jury service, and complete Part B - Juror Qualification Form on the back portion of the form. This portion of the form MUST be completed and returned together with any relevant documentation within ten (10) days of receipt. You are encouraged to complete the Qualification Formonline at http://mdcourts.gov/juryservice/jurorqualificationform.html or you may return it by U.S. mail.
Trial Jurors
To determine your reporting status, you are instructed to call the recorder information line 1-866-SMC-JURY, 1-866-762-5879, 301-475-3550, 301-475-3507. The recorder messages are updated Monday through Friday after 5:00 p.m. You will need to refer to your Juror Number which is shown on your JUROR BADGE. The recorded message will advise which jurors, if any, are required to report for service the following day and provide additional instructions including the time to report. It is important that you listen to the entire message. Your jury service term is for a period of 2 weeks. Please be advised that there could be circumstances that causes a trial to continue past your term. If this occurs please follow the instructions given by the judge. YOU MUST BRING YOUR JUROR BADGE/SUMMONS WITH YOU WHEN YOU REPORT FOR JURY SERVICE.
Grand Jurors
Grand Jury terms in St. Mary’s County consists of two (2) terms. One term starts in January and the other in July of each year and each lasting six (6) months. You will appear twice a month on the pre-selected dates that will be provided on your orientation date. YOU MUST BRING YOUR JUROR BADGE/SUMMONS WITH YOU WHEN YOU REPORT FOR JURY SERVICE. Watch the Grand Jury video.
Partial Excusals
Jurors may request an excusal for work, travel, medical appointments or other valid reasons. If you have completed your qualification online, you may submit your excusal request and any documentation in writing, by fax, mail, or email at [email protected], and include your juror identification number. You also have the option to complete your qualification form and return it by mail or in person with your request. If you should have any further questions please feel free to contact our office.
The Circuit Court is located at 41605 Courthouse Drive in downtown Leonardtown. Parking is available next to the courthouse and on surrounding streets. Please arrive early to allow time to park and proceed through Security when entering the courthouse.
Preparation For Jury Duty
Please read the memorandum "Preparation for Jury Duty." This pamphlet was developed to introduce jury service to those summoned to jury duty for the first time and to refresh the memories of those who have had past experience as trial jurors.
Proper attire is required-- NO UNIFORMS, SHORTS, CUT-OFF JEANS, T-SHIRTS WITH LOGOS, TANK OR HALTER TOPS, GYM CLOTHES, PAJAMAS, OR HATS (EXCEPT FOR RELIGIOUS PURPOSES).A violation of this dress code that causes disruption to the court proceedings may result in an extension of your service term or other sanction.
During your period of jury service, you will be given a per diem of $30 per day for your attendance. If you choose not to accept or receive the per diem for jury service, you may consider waiving it or participate in the Generous Juror Program. Please see a Jury Clerk if you have any questions.
Courthouse Security
Jurors, like everyone else, are required to go through the security check point at the entrance(s) to the courthouse. Purses and packages will be manually searched, and everyone must pass through the metal detector. Admission to the building will be denied to persons having a knife of any size. These items will have to be returned to your car or other location outside the courthouse.
Inclement Weather Policy
In the event of inclement weather and the St. Mary’s County School System is closed or delayed, jury will be cancelled for that day. You may also contact the inclement weather line at 301-475-7844 ex. 74656 for weather related updates. If the message has not changed or updated then you report as scheduled.