Welcome to the District Court of Maryland for Allegany County located in Cumberland, MD.
The District Court hears landlord/tenant cases, replevin actions, traffic violations, criminal cases classified as misdemeanors and certain felonies, and civil cases in the amount of $30,000 or less. The District Court does not conduct jury trials.
Hon. Erich Michael Bean Administrative Judge | |
Amy Bosley Administrative Clerk | Christopher J. Nann Administrative Commissioner |

General Information: 301-723-3100 | Toll-Free Number (In-state only): 1-800-946-3952
TTY users call Maryland RELAY: 711

The courthouse is located at 123 South Liberty Street, 2nd Floor, Cumberland, MD 21502-3005. No food or drink is permitted in this building. For assistance with special needs, contact the court immediately.
From "Downtown"
At bottom of exit will be a stop sign. Take a left at the stop sign onto Harrison Street to traffic light. At traffic light take a right onto North Mechanic Street, go one block and at the corner of the big gray building take another right onto Pershing Street. Go one block and take a right onto S. Liberty Street. The District Court is on the second floor of the brick building.
From the East Morgantown, WV or Pittsburgh, PA
Take Interstate 68 to Cumberland. Take Exit 43C "Downtown". At bottom of the exit ramp take a left onto Queen City Drive. Go to first traffic light , take a left onto Harrison Street. Go three blocks on Harrison Street to traffic light, and take a right onto North Mechanic Street, go one block and at the corner of the big gray building take another right onto Pershing Street. Go one block and take a right onto S. Liberty Street. The District Court is on the second floor of the brick building.
Bus Information
Allegany County Transit, Red Line http://md-alleganycounty.civicplus.com/315/Transit

There is no designated parking area. The gated parking lot on the side of the building is a private lot and by permit only. Non-permit holders will be towed. There are parking spaces in the surrounding area that utilize the parking kiosks, or a public parking garage on the left next to the Holiday Inn, which you can see from the exit.

On April 4, 2022, the Maryland Judiciary returned to normal operations exiting the
five-phased COVID-19 resumption of operations plan.
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