General Information

Garret County District Court

Welcome to the District Court of Maryland for Garrett County located in Oakland, MD.

The District Court hears landlord/tenant cases, replevin actions, traffic violations, criminal cases classified as misdemeanors and certain felonies, and civil cases in the amount of $30,000 or less. The District Court does not conduct jury trials.

Hon. Erich Michael Bean
​​​​​Administrative Judge
Amy Bosley
​​​​​Administrative Clerk
Christopher J. Nann
​​​​​Administrative Commissioner
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General Information: 301-334-8020  | Toll-Free Number (In-state only): 1-800-947-1029
TTY users call Maryland RELAY: 711

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The courthouse is located at 205 South Third Street, Oakland, MD 21550-1526No food or drink is permitted in this building. For assistance with special needs, contact the court immediately.

West from Frederick, MD
Take Interstate 70 West To Hancock. At Hancock take Interstate 68 West past Cumberland to Exit 14B, (219 South). Take 219 South and continue into Oakland. The District Court building is the red brick building on the right, just past 4th traffic light.

East from Morgantown, WV or Pittsburgh, PA
Take Interstate 68 East to Exit 14B (219 South). Take 219 South and continue into Oakland. The District Court building is the red brick building on the right, just past 4th traffic light.

Bus Information
Garrett Transit Service (GTS) is the public transportation provider for Garrett County. This service is for everyone. To schedule a ride call (301) 334-9431. Call 24 hours in advance for local trips and 36 hours in advance for out of County trips.

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There is a parking lot on the right, just beyond the District Court building.

On April 4, 2022, the Maryland Judiciary returned to normal operations exiting the
five-phased COVID-19 resumption of operations plan.


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