Welcome to our Expungement webinar series. You may not need to register for all four parts. Descriptions of each webinar are below. If you are not sure which parts apply to you, we recommend you register and attend all four.
Part 1: Introduction to Expungements in Maryland
Want to learn more about filing for expungement of a criminal record in Maryland? Join us for an interactive online class that introduces the topic of expungement and will teach you general rules that apply to the expungement of all criminal records in Maryland.
Part 2: Expunging Favorable Dispositions
Filing for expungement of a criminal record in Maryland? Join us for Part 2 of our expungement series to learn about how to expunge cases with favorable dispositions. An attorney from the Maryland Court Help Center will show you how to complete the required forms step-by-step.
Part 3: Expunging Guilty Dispositions
Filing for expungement of a criminal record in Maryland? Join us for Part 3 of our expungement series to learn about expungement of guilty dispositions. An attorney from the Maryland Court Help Center will show you how to complete the required forms step-by-step.
Part 4: Expunging Records involving Cannabis (Marijuana)
Filing for expungement of a criminal record in Maryland? Join us for Part 4 of our expungement series to learn about expunging cannabis, or marijuana, cases. An attorney from the Maryland Court Help Center will show you how to complete the required forms step-by-step.
This online class is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. Participating in this online class does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and the speaker.