FREE 1-hour classes taught by attorneys from the Maryland Court Help Centers. Watch live or on demand.
On Demand Classes / Clases a pedido

Child Custody
An attorney from the Maryland Courts Help Center will provide information about child custody laws in Maryland.
Custodia de un menor
Obtenga más información sobre las leyes de custodia de menores en Maryland.

Responding to a Complaint for Custody in Maryland
In this class, an attorney from the Maryland Court Help Center will walk you through filling out the Answer and Counter Complaint forms.

Recent Changes to Divorce in Maryland
An attorney from the Maryland Court Help Center will go over some big changes to Maryland divorce law that started on October 1, 2023.

Filing for Divorce in Maryland
A Maryland Court Help Center attorney will will guide you through filling out the Absolute Divorce form
Solicitando un divorcio en Maryland
Un abogado del Centro de Ayuda de los Tribunales de Maryland le orientará con respecto al formulario de solicitud de divorcio absoluto.

Rent Escrow and Habitability
A Maryland Court Help Center attorney will guide you through the rent escrow process.

Shielding Failure to Pay Rent Cases
Join us for a free online class to learn when Failure to Pay Rent Cases can be shielded, or hidden, from the public.

Filing for Expungement in Maryland
Learn general rules that apply to the expungement of all criminal records in Maryland

Facing Eviction for Failure to Pay Rent?
This class will help you learn about Failure to Pay Rent in Maryland.
¿Enfrenta el desalojo por incumplimiento del pago del alquiler?
Esta clase le ayudará a entender qué esperar cuando su propietario presente un caso de Falta de Pago de Alquiler en su contra en Maryland.

Filing a Failure to Pay Rent Case?
This class will help you learn the steps you must take to file and fill out the form.
¿Presentará una demanda de desalojo por incumplimiento del pago del alquiler?
Únase a nosotros para una clase EN LÍNEA GRATUITA sobre la ley de Falta de Pago de Alquiler en Maryland.

Rent Debt and the Coronavirus
A Maryland Court Help Center attorney will help you determine if there are new laws or programs that impact how much rent and fees are due.

Collecting Your District Court Judgment
Even if you win your case, you may need to take additional steps to collect the money you are owed. The court will not collect the money for you. If the defendant does not pay, it is up to you to collect the judgment.

Filing Your Case in the District Court of Maryland
This class will help you learn when and how to fill out the form used to start many civil cases including small claims and return of property.