Judiciary Employee Handbook


The Maryland Judiciary strives every day to fulfill its mission to “…provide fair, efficient and effective justice for all.” Fulfilling that mission, as well as bringing to fruition the Judiciary’s vision to be an “…efficient, innovative and accessible court system that works collaboratively with justice partners to serve the people with integrity and transparency” begins with a qualified, informed, and motivated workforce.

This electronic handbook was developed to ensure that you, as a Judiciary employee, have access to the policies and procedures that govern employment, as well as to enable you to effectively interact with the various administrative departments . The policies and procedures contained within are intended to provide guidance, but should not be considered all-inclusive. They are subject to change and, as such, it is the responsibility of each employee to ensure you are referencing the most current version of the respective policy or procedure if you are reviewing from a printed copy.

The handbook is arranged by topical area. Any questions regarding the content within the handbook should be directed to the department noted on the policy.

It is with great pride that I serve as your State Court Administrator. Your commitment, work ethic, and dedication to excellence continues to propel the Maryland Judiciary to higher heights in service to all those who enter our doors.

Judy K. Rupp, State Court Administrator

1. Introduction
1.1 Employment Relationship
1.2 New Employee Welcome Letter
1.2.1 New Employee Welcome Letter Example
1.2.2 New Employee Welcome Letter (At Will) Example
1.3 New Employee Orientation
1.4 Judiciary Hours of Operation
1.5 Changes to Policies and Procedures

2. Employment Practices
Section Title Effective/Revised
2.1 Accommodations of Disabilities 10-30-24
2.1.1 Pregnant Workers 10-30-24
2.1.2 Lactation Breaks 10-30-24
2.2 At-Will Employment 01-24-24
2.3 Classification, Compensation, Reinstatement, Reassignment and Transfer 02-05-25
2.4 Employment of Relatives 01-24-24
2.5 Other Employment and Outside Activity 01-24-24
2.6 Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation 10-01-24
2.7 Talent Acquisition, Examination, Selection, and Probation 10-30-24
2.7.1 Referral Bonus Program 01-10-24
2.8 Religious Accommodation 01-24-24
2.9 Separation from Employment 01-24-24
2.10 Temporary Employment 01-24-24
3. Standards of Conduct and Performance
Section Title Effective/Revised
3.1 Confidentiality 03-11-24
3.1.1 Confidentiality Agreement 02-24-22
3.2 Disciplinary Actions 03-11-24
3.3 Grievances 03-11-24
3.4 Performance Appraisal 03-11-24
3.5 Standards of Conduct 03-11-24
3.5.1 Smoking in Judicial Branch Facilities 03-11-24
3.5.2 Guidance for Personal Appearance for Maryland Judicial Complex 01-29-25
3.6 Substance Use and Misuse 03-11-24
3.7 Whistleblower Protections 03-11-24
3.8 Social Media 11-16-16
3.9 Fair Practices Resources
3.9.1 Religious Accommodation Request Form
4. Benefits and Services
Section Title Effective/Revised
4.1 Alternative Work Schedules 07-01-19
4.2 Educational Assistance 10-30-24
4.3 Family Medical Leave Act 01-15-20
4.4 Leave 10-30-24
4.4.1 Leave Bank Guidelines09-01-20
4.4.2 Parental Leave12-2021
4.4.3 Pandemic Flu and Other Infectious Diseases12-15-22
4.5 Telework 07-12-23
4.5.1 Interim Telework Policy01-24-22
4.6 Judicial Branch Travel Regulations 04-14-23
4.6.1 Travel Expense Reimbursement Parameters for City and County-Paid Judicial Branch Employees
4.6.2 Judiciary Mileage Chart
4.6.3 Travel Regulations, Mileage/Meal Reimbursement, Expense Account Form
4.7 Vehicle Fleet Administration 11-20
4.8 The Judicial College of Maryland [CourtNet]
4.8.1 Judicial Education - Judges and Magistrates [CourtNet]
4.8.2 Professional Development - Judiciary Staff [CourtNet]
4.8.3 Technology Education [CourtNet]
4.8.4 Catering Requests - Annapolis Complex 03-02-20
4.8.5 MJC Room Reservation 11-25-19 Guidelines for Lactation and Religious Observance Breaks
5. CONNECT - Human Resources and Payroll Forms and Procedures
6. Accounting, Budgeting, and Purchasing Forms and Procedures
Section Title Effective/Revised
6.1 GEARS [CourtNet]
6.1.1 GEARS Access Security Form [CourtNet]
6.1.2 Vendor Maintenance Form [CourtNet]
6.1.3 Contracts [CourtNet]
6.2 Clerk of Court Accounting Manual [CourtNet]
6.3 Honoraria and External Speaker Fees and Costs
6.4 Donation of Small Equipment, Materials, and Supplies (Non-Fixed Assets)
6.4.1 Donation Form
6.5 Accounts Receivable Policy [CourtNet] 05-25-23
6.5.1 Circuit Court Accounts Receivable End of the Month Summary Reporting Template [CourtNet]  
6.5.2 District Court Accounts Receivable End of the Month Summary Reporting Template [CourtNet]  
6.5.3 Non-judicially Assessed Accounts Receivable End of the Month Summary Reporting Template [CourtNet]  
7. Procurement, Contracts, Grants
Section Title Effective/Revised
7.1 Procurement Policy 03-25
7.2 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 09-2022
7.2.1 Judiciary MOU Procedures Manual09-2022
7.3 Grants Administration 12-2022
7.4 Judiciary Contracts and Agreements - Procedures [CourtNet]
7.5 Corporate Purchasing Card Cardholder's Guide [CourtNet] 08-04-21
7.5.1 Exhibit A - Cardholder Agreement [CourtNet]
7.5.2 Exhibit B - Cardholder Log [CourtNet]
7.5.3 Exhibit E - Quick Reference Tip Sheet [CourtNet]
7.6 FY24 List of Blanket Purchase Order Contracts
8. Emergency Preparedness and Closures
Section Title Effective/Revised
8.1 Emergency Disaster Preparedness - Human Resources and Payroll Operations - Continuation 04-01-20
8.2 Closure of Courts and Offices of Clerks of Court Due to Emergencies [Admin. Order] 01-15-16
8.3 Closure of Non-Court Judicial Facilities - Anne Arundel County [Admin. Order] 01-15-16
8.4 Closure Due to Emergencies of the State Law Library [Admin. Order] 01-20-16
8.5 Emergency Notification (RAVE) [Sharepoint]
8.6 Continuity of Operations (COOP) [Sharepoint]
9. Access and Security
Section Title Effective/Revised
9.1 Information Security - Policy [CourtNet] 01-2024
9.2 Electronic Communications System Usage [CourtNet] 05-2023
9.3 Restrictions to Internet Sites 06-29-22
9.4 Self-Service Password Reset [CourtNet]
9.5 Technology Request Form
9.6 UCS [CourtNet]
9.7 MDEC
9.8 MDEC Forms [CourtNet]
9.9 Electronic Resource Protocols for International Travel 01-23-25
10. Technology Assistance - JIS
10.1 SERVICENOW [CourtNet]
11. Communications
Section Title Effective/Revised
11.1 Judiciary Communications Protocols [CourtNet] 01-2016
11.2 Judiciary Suggestion Box [CourtNet]
12. Judiciary Strategic Direction
12.1 Judiciary Strategic Plan - 2015 - 2020
12.2 2016 Progress Report
12.3 2018 Judicial Council Annual Report
12.4 2018 Strategic Plan Update
13. AOC Facilities Administration
13.1 Judiciary Property - Inventory Control Manual 10-22-20
13.2 Request for Portable Standing Desk 07-06-23
14. AOC Security Administration / AOC Building Access & Parking
14.1 State Issued Judiciary Badges (State Employees Only) [CourtNet]
14.2 State Issued Judiciary Badges (Contractors & Vendors) [CourtNet]
14.3 AOC Complex Access Request form (Employees, Contractors & Vendors) [CourtNet]
14.3.1 AOC Complex Access Request form (Temporary) [CourtNet]
14.3.2 St. John Properties Gym Liability Request Form (Employees Only) [CourtNet]
14.4 AOC Complex Parking Policies (For J & K parking lots) [CourtNet]