Headquarters Directory

District Court Headquarters provides centralized services to assure court locations statewide apply policies and procedures consistently, and function at maximum efficiency. Headquarters serves as the hub for gathering and disseminating information between the various District Court locations and programs on the one hand, and other parts of the Judiciary, the Legislature, and external stakeholders on the other. Headquarters has primary responsibility for budget and program planning, development of policies and procedures, facilities management, information technology, and customer information for the District Court, under direction of the Chief Judge and the Chief Clerk.

Department of Human Resources - Who to Call / Staff Directory

Office of the Chief JudgeChief Judge
John P. Morrissey
Fax 410-260-1375
Office of the Chief ClerkChief Clerk
Roberta L. Warnken
Fax 410-260-1375
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Maureen Denihan
Fax 410-260-3536
Administrative ServicesDirector
Amber L. Spence
Fax 410-260-1375
Engineering &
Central Services
Lisa I. Ritter
Fax: 410-260-1375
Laura Jones
Fax 410-260-1375
Rose Day
410 260-1226
Fax: 410-260-1375
Office of the Director of CommissionersDirector
Timothy D. Haven
Fax 410-260-1217
Office of the Chief Judge
District Court Headquarters
Maryland Judicial Center
187 Harry S. Truman Parkway, 5th Floor
Annapolis, MD 21401
The Chief Judge is the
administrative head of the Court
and appoints administrative judges
for each of the twelve districts. The
chief judge also appoints a chief
clerk, administrative clerks for each
district, and all commissioners.
John P. Morrissey, Chief Judge
Gillian Tonkin, Staff Attorney to the Chief Judge
Jenny Henderson, Senior Administrative Aide to the Chief Judge
Sharon Reed, Executive Aide to the Chief Judge

Office of the Chief Clerk
District Court Headquarters
Maryland Judicial Center
187 Harry S. Truman Parkway, 5th Floor
Annapolis, MD 21401

The Office of the Chief Clerk is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Court.Roberta L. Warnken, Chief Clerk
Marcella Reeves, Senior Administrative Aide to the Chief Clerk
Alternative Dispute Resolution
District Court of Maryland
Alternative Dispute Resolution Office
251 Rowe Boulevard, Suite 307
Annapolis, MD 21401

The mission of the ADR office includes:

1. Educate all participants (including judges, clerks, court personnel, members of the Bar, litigants and other ADR providers) on the uses and benefits of alternative dispute resolution programs;

2. Establish and maintain high quality alternative dispute resolution programs that empower litigants;

3. Encourage the use of ADR options early on and throughout the litigation process.

4. Ensure that the ADR options are appropriate and accessible.

Maureen A. Denihan, Esq., Director
Vacant, Deputy Director and Quality Assurance Director
Adrienne Millender-Mather, Regional ADR Programs Director for Balt., Carroll, Frederick, Ho. and Wash. Counties
Carole Burkhart, Director of ADR Roster Management
Molly Wilson, On-line Dispute Resolution Coordinator
Leona S. Elliott, Regional Programs Director for Baltimore City, Harford, Allegany, and Garrett Counties
Isadora Cipolletta, Regional Programs Director for Montgomery and Prince George's County
Elaine Phillips, Regional Programs Director for Anne Arundel County, Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary's County
Wendy Schneider, Regional Programs Director for the Eastern Shore
Sarah Kauffman, Data Management and Public Information Director
Diana DeLuna, Administrative Office Associate

Administrative Services
District Court Headquarters
Maryland Judicial Center
187 Harry S. Truman Parkway, 5th Floor
Annapolis, MD 21401

The Administrative Services staff creates and revises court forms and brochures, maintains the District Court's internal and public websites, and coordinates the translation of these resources. The department tracks legislation and identifies any impact on the court, maintains the statewide bail bondsman system, and the collection of bond forfeitures in default, and reviews jurisdiction's statewide citations for uniformity and approval. Emphasis is placed on providing current and accurate tools and/or training necessary to promote excellence in public service and access to justice. Effective communication with external “customers” is the primary focus of this division.
Amber L. Spence, Director
Megan Morse, Deputy Director
Suzanne Watson, Admin. Office Associate
Lindsey Sullivan, Lead Coordinator 
Lilian Honeczy, Coordinator - Legislation and Website
Lilly Singleton, Coordinator - District Court Forms
Autumn Garst, Coordinator - Circuit Court Forms
LaToya Burke, Coordinator - Forms Technology

Engineering & Central Services
District Court Headquarters
187 Harry S. Truman Parkway, 5th Floor
Annapolis, MD 21401

The building in which you work and the property inside it is the primary focus of this division. The facilities, warehouse, records, and security departments oversee everything from buildings and facilities (including furniture and telephone systems), to ordering supplies and printing/distributing forms, to managing Court records, to training and outfitting bailiffs in each of the District Court locations.
Lisa I. Ritter, Director
Stephen Nichols, Deputy Director
Germaine Walker, Asset Associate
Michelle Kirby, Administrative Office Specialist
Sidney Nwangwu, Procurement Coordinator 
Stephen Barlow, Security Manager
Todd Nock, Security Trainer
Jamie McGehee, Security Supervisor
Kebin McLean, Security Trainer
Kurt Godfrey, Security Coordinator
Engineering & Central Services
2004 Industrial Drive
Annapolis, MD 21401
Michelle Ruble Simpson, Facilities Manager
VACANT, Admin. Office Associate
Christine Chester, Facilities Coordinator
Phyllis Carey, Telecommunications Coordinator
Michael Jones, Construction Manager
Will Richardson, Construction Manager
Julia McIntyre, Construction Manager
John Earnest, Construction Manager
Fawn Nicholson, Construction Manager
Todd Williams, Cabinet Maker
Engineering & Central Services
2002A Industrial Drive
Annapolis, MD 21401
Michael Crum, Warehouse Manager
Donald McMullen, Records & Storage Manager
Kenneth Shifflet, Warehouse IT Coordinator

District Court Headquarters
Maryland Judicial Center
187 Harry S. Truman Parkway, 5th Floor
Annapolis, MD 21401

The Finance division is responsible for all funds appropriated to the District Court by the Legislature each year. These funds are accounted for and spent in a manner consistent with Judiciary and State policies and procedures. The Finance staff assists with budget preparation and accounts payable duties. In addition, the Finance division is responsible for the Traffic Processing Center, which uses a computerized system for processing traffic citation payments.
Laura Jones, Director
Larry Tucker, Deputy Director
Cynthia Pecenak, Administrative Office Associate
VACANT, Financial Operations Analyst
Jennifer McMorrow, Accounts Payable Supervisor
Sherri Dugan, Fiscal Accounts Technician
Donovan Carter, Fiscal Accounts Technician
Jennifer Heiser, Fiscal Accounts Technician
Traffic Processing Center
Maryland District Court
PO Box 6676
Annapolis, MD 21401-0676
Tierra Colbert, Traffic Processing Center Supervisor

District Court Headquarters
Maryland Judicial Center
187 Harry S. Truman Parkway, 5th Floor
Annapolis, MD 21401

The Operations division consists of several component parts that are dependent upon one another, including Technical Business Review and Analysis, Resource Training, Instructional Design, Technical Writing, Transcribing, Traffic Citation Processing, Data Entry, Research and Statistics, and Executive Administrative Support. This diverse, goal-oriented group provides optimum support for the court’s production and customer oriented field operations by providing expertise through training programs, business process reviews, case flow assessment, and case management systems.
Rose Day, Director
Tiffany Bordenski, Deputy Director
Mindy Selba, Supervisor 
Natalie Cooper, Admin. Office Associate
Shirley Anthony, Lead Analyst
Emma Garner, Analyst
Michael Nicolarakis, Analyst
Tara Duvall, Analyst
Tracie Bonnell, Analyst
Simone Gaither, Analyst

Operations Offsite Offices

District Court Traffic Processing Center
Ticket Room

Data Entry

Cleaesther Holden, Supervisor

Iris Tongue, Supervisor

Office of the Director of Commissioners
The Robert F. Sweeney Building
251 Rowe Boulevard - 3rd Floor, Room #341
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Telephone No. 410-260-1230

The Office of the Director of Commissioners is responsible for: developing policy and procedures for commissioners; preparing annual reports; administering 279 commissioners sitting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week throughout the State at multiple locations; publishing and updating the Commissioner Manual on a yearly basis; maintaining the charging language database; and developing training programs for commissioners.
Timothy D. Haven, Director
Rachel Bowen, Deputy Director
Amanda Davis, Comm. Technology Coordinator
Jonathan R. Lew, Comm. Charging Language Coordinator
Allison McConaghy, Comm. Education and Training Coordinator
Malik Townsend, Appointed Attorney Coordinator
Charlene Montgomery, Appointed Attorney Coordinator
Terry Youngbar, Admin. Assistant
Andrea Dove, Admin. Assistant