Dorchester County Jury Commissioner's Office
206 High Street, Room 203A
PO Box 416
Cambridge, Maryland 21613
Telephone: 410-228-9840
Juror Reporting Instructions: 410-221-8701
Fax: 410-221-0315
- See JURY ANNOUNCEMENT (PDF) for the most recent reporting instructions and reporting schedule.
- RECORDED REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: (after 5:00 p.m.) 410-221-8701
If you have received a summons for jury service please complete Part B – Juror Qualification Form on the back portion of your summons and return it to the Jury Office within ten days of receipt. You can also complete the Qualification Form online at
Dorchester County has a recorded message as well as a website for jurors to verify if their service is required. The juror summons provides the information needed to access the call-in system. The number for the recorded message is 410-221-8701. Jurors must call after 5:00 P.M. to confirm service for the following day. You will need your reporting number from the “Juror Badge” portion of your summons to obtain reporting information. Your summons specifies if you are a trial juror or a grand juror. The message will advise jurors as to whether or not they are needed for jury duty and provide additional instructions including the daily reporting time. Please make certain that you listen to or read the entire message carefully.
Trial jurors, also known as petit jurors, must call in each and every evening or check the website after 5:00 P.M. during the month to confirm service is required the next day. Trial jurors are on call for an entire month of service, but most jurors serve between one and three days. Although you are summoned to appear on the first day of the month, please be aware that the first date of service, which includes orientation, COULD change. Please call or check the website the evening before you are scheduled to appear. You will need to know your REPORTING NUMBER and report as the message instructs.
Grand jurors call the evening prior to their summons date only. All Grand jurors will receive written notification approximately two weeks before they are to appear with the date and time of service. Dorchester County has two grand jury terms. The October Grand Jury Term is from October 1st through February 28th. The March Grand Jury Term is March 1st through September 30th. The grand jury generally meets less than once a month.
Please note that all excusal requests MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE DAY YOUR SERVICE BEGINS. Failure to do so will significantly reduce your chances of excusal for ANY reason.
Anyone needing auxiliary aid, service, or accommodation is asked to contact the Jury Commissioner ten (10) days prior to scheduled jury service. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Jury Commissioner at 410-228-9840.
Jury service is an important aspect of the rights, privileges, and duties we all enjoy as citizens. Your willingness to serve and participate in this essential part of our judicial system is greatly appreciated by the Circuit Court for Dorchester County. We thank you in advance for your participation and cooperation.