MDEC or Simplifile registered users should continue to send pleadings and land record documents as normal. Case pleadings, requests for copies, land documents and other requests are also accepted by mail at the following address: Circuit Court Clerk’s Office, 175 Main Street, Prince Frederick, Md. 20678.
For your convenience, we are also temporarily accepting any deeds and other land documents for recording or circuit court case pleadings via a drop box located at the back of the courthouse. Please place all documents and any checks in a secure envelope before placing them in the drop box. On the outside of the envelope, please indicate the following information: Type of Instrument or document (for example, Deed, Deed of Trust, Motion, or Tax Bill), your company name, and a contact phone number and/or email.
The public may search land record documents by registering and land plats at
The public may search court records at
Currently, the law requires that certain services be performed in person. Therefore, we are not able to accept applications for marriage licenses, perform marriage ceremonies, or administer oath of offices to notaries or other appointees.
Self- Represented Domestic Violence and Emergency Custody pleadings may be filed by contacting the Clerk’s Office for more information.

An employee of the Circuit Court since 1980, her extensive experience in the daily operations of the courts and her passion for public service led to her election as Clerk of Court in 1998. She has a proud record of accomplishments. Since becoming Clerk of the Circuit Court, Ms. Smith has served on many committees within the Maryland Judiciary that work to benefit all courts statewide as well as the Circuit Court for Calvert County. Ms. Smith played a key role in modernizing Land Records and the statewide Case Management System. She was instrumental in developing procedural criteria for E-Courts, a future electronic filing and document project, and for E-License, the electronic business license application system.
Kathy has participated in a total review of the Business License Regulations. She has converted all Equity cases into electronic format and implemented the use of scanning to digitize and maintain divorce decrees, military discharge papers, liens/judgments, marriage licenses, and other miscellaneous documents.
In 2007, Kathy was appointed to the Maryland Rules Committee by the Chief Judge of the Maryland Court of Appeals. This is a committee whose members meet regularly to consider proposed amendments and additions to the Maryland Rules of Procedure and to submit recommendations for change to the Court of Appeals. She also serves on the General Court Administration, Process and Pleadings, Probate/Judiciary, and Civil Judgment subcommittees of the Maryland Rules. Kathy was also appointed to the Access for Justice Commission, a commission charged with developing policy recommendations to expand access to and enhance the quality of justice in civil legal matters for persons who encounter barriers in gaining access to Maryland's civil justice system.
Ms. Smith served as the Chair of the Conference of Circuit Court Clerks and President of the Maryland Circuit Court Clerks' Association. She is a member of the Association's Legislative Review Committee and currently chairs the Professional Development Committee for the Judiciary. Under her leadership, two award-winning Court Certificate Programs were created to develop and promote professionalism among court staff. Kathy is so committed to the programs that she volunteers to serve as an instructor for several of the class sessions on procedure, employee motivation, and ethics. She acts as a mentor to employees statewide.
Her commitment of service to the Judiciary as a whole has earned her the respect of colleagues and other leaders in the Maryland Courts. However, her priority has always been to the citizens of Calvert County. Kathy's goal is to ensure that her office continues to provide accurate and knowledgeable information in a prompt, professional, and courteous manner, with the highest level of integrity and customer service to all who seek the assistance of the Circuit Court for Calvert County.
Ms. Smith graduated summa cum laude from the University of Maryland with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice; graduated from Charles County Community College with an Associate Degree in Law Enforcement; and earned a Certificate in Court Management from the National Center for State Courts Institute for Court Management in Williamsburg, Virginia.