Generous Jurors Program

The Circuit Court for Washington County and the Washington County Department of Social Services (DSS) cooperate in a program entitled “Generous Jurors Program.” Under this program, jurors may donate their jury pay to the Department of Social Services Foster Care Unit. The donations are used to provide foster children in the county with items not covered by State budgets. Such things as school band and sports uniforms, funds for field trips, etc. In addition, the donated funds are used to supply the “Sunshine Center”, where foster children visit with their biological family under the supervision of DSS employees.

Each juror will be provided a donation form on the first day of jury service. Jurors wishing to donate all or part of their jury pay for this purpose simply complete the form and turn it in to the Jury Office before the end of the jury term of service. After the term ends, a check will be issued to the Generous Jurors Program for the amount donated, and the check issued to the juror for his/her service will be reduced accordingly. The juror will receive a receipt for the donation from the Department of Social Services.