Petitions for Writ of Certiorari -- July 2012


September Term, 2011


Denied July 9, 2012

American Bridge Company/Edward Kraemer & Sons, A Joint Venture v. PDM Bridge LLC. - Pet. Docket No. 194*


Granted July 30, 2012

Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 35, et al. v. Montgomery County, Maryland, et al. - Case No. 132, September Term, 2011

Issues - Election Law - 1) Is an error in the address information in the sworn circulator affidavits fatal to petition pages containing that error? 2) Does Tyler v. Secretary of State require a circuit court to invalidate each and every signature on an "imperfect" petition page? 3) Is it constitutional to invalidate petition signatures for "imperfect" information from a circulator? 4) Is a challenge to a Board of Elections decision subject to the rules and tenets of judicial review of an agency decision? 5) Did the circuit court err in finding that Montgomery County, Maryland, lacked standing?




* September Term, 2012