September Term, 2024
Monday, May 5, 2025:
Bar Admissions
No. 32 Katrina Hare v. David S. Brown Enterprises, Ltd.
Issue – State Government – Where a tenant’s rent is subsidized by a housing voucher, does a landlord’s imposition of an income requirement that ignores the share of rent guaranteed by the voucher and has the effect of excluding voucher holders constitute source-of-income discrimination in violation of Md. Code Ann., State Government § 20-705?
Attorney for Petitioner: Lauren DiMartino
Attorneys for Respondent: Eric M. Rigatuso and Kari J. Gallagher
No. 36 Travis Rashad Shepperson v. State of Maryland
DNA appeal.
Attorney for Appellant: Stephen B. Mercer
Attorney for Appellee: James N. Lewis
No. 45 Trustees of the Walters Art Gallery, Inc. et al. v. Walters WOrkers United, Council 67, AFSCME, AFL-CIO
Issue – State Government – Is the Museum a “unit or instrumentality of the State or of a political subdivision” under the Maryland Public Information Act?
Attorney for Petitioner: Steven M. Klepper
Attorney for Respondent: David Maher
Tuesday, May 6, 2025:
No. 42 Hyperheal Hyperbarics, Inc. v. Eric Shapiro
Issue – Corporations & Associations – Is an employee who committed wrongful acts solely in his capacity as an employee entitled to indemnification pursuant to § 2-418 of the Corporations & Associations Article when there is no nexus between the wrongful conduct and use of any corporate powers bestowed on him as an officer or director?
Attorney for Petitioner: Donald J. Walsh
Attorney for Respondent: Jan I. Berlage
No. 43 Copinol Restaurant, Inc. v. 26 North Market, LLC
Issues – Real Property – 1) Can a landlord unilaterally terminate a commercial lease/tenancy and evict a tenant pursuant to a Holding Over Complaint (§ 8-102 of the Real Property Article) when the written lease between the parties has not expired? 2) Can a landlord unilaterally terminate a commercial lease/tenancy and evict a tenant pursuant to a Holding Over Complaint based on an alleged “breach of lease” premised on the tenant briefly being late with rent payment when, prior to the time of the landlord initiating suit, the tenant had paid all rent due and owing in full?
Attorney for Petitioner: Brian M. Maul
Attorney for Respondent: Paul D. Rose, Jr.
No. 46 Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services v. Dallas Fenton
Issue – Correctional Services – Did ACM err in holding that § 3-702(c) of the Correctional Services Article, which prohibits an inmate from earning diminution credits “while serving a sentence for” a third-degree sex offense involving a victim under 16 if the inmate “was previously convicted of” such an offense, applies only where the “previous[] convict[ion]” occurred before commission of the offense for which the inmate is “serving a sentence”?
Attorney for Petitioner: Michael O. Doyle
Attorney for Respondent: Lauren S. Castelli
After May 6, 2025, the Court will recess until June 5, 2025.
On the day of argument, counsel must register in the Clerk’s Office no later than 8:30 a.m. unless otherwise notified.