If you have a civil case pending in the District Court of Maryland, you may be able to take advantage of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to resolve your dispute. You can use ADR before your trial date, and on the day of your trial. ADR in the District Court is free to the participants. The services offered at each District Court location vary. Please visit the District Court website to see what is available in your county.
Before Your Trial [available 3 weeks or more prior to your trial date]
Pre-Trial Mediation: Cases are referred to approved mediators or a partner organization and can be scheduled at a time that is convenient to all parties. Mediations are held remotely or at a location outside the courthouse. If the case is not resolved at the pretrial mediation, the case goes forward to trial on the scheduled trial date.

Pre-Trial Settlement Conference: Cases are referred to approved settlement conference attorneys. The District Court ADR Office will schedule sessions by phone or video on a mutually agreeable date to all parties in the case. If the case is not resolved during the pretrial settlement conference, the case goes forward to trial on the scheduled trial date.
For more information or to request Pretrial Remote ADR for your case, contact the ADR Office at 410-260-1971, or complete an ADR Request Form at https://mdcourts.gov/district/adr/remoteADR.
Day of Trial ADR
In the courtroom, cases may be referred to mediation or settlement conference by the judge, or parties may request these services if available. Both sides in the case must appear for the case to be referred to ADR. The ADR process will take place in a private setting. If the case is not resolved in ADR, the parties return to the courtroom for their trial.
Visit the District Court ADR Program website to see if these services are available in your county.
To learn more about alternative dispute resolution at the District Court of Maryland at https://mdcourts.gov/district/adr/home, or call 410-260-1676 or 1-866-940-1729.