Katherine Hager was elected Clerk of the Circuit Court for Queen Anne’s County in November 2018 and officially took office in December 2018. She has had a long career in the Maryland Judiciary, starting in 1991. Prior to her election, she was appointed Chief Deputy Clerk of the Circuit Court for Queen Anne’s County from 2006 to 2018, and before that, she served as the Chief Deputy Clerk of the Circuit Court for Howard County.
As Clerk, Katherine is committed to ensuring her office provides accurate, timely, and professional information to those seeking services from the Circuit Court. Her leadership extends beyond her own office, as she has held various positions in professional organizations. She is a Past Chair of the Conference of Circuit Court Clerks and has served as President, Vice President, and Secretary of the Maryland Circuit Court Clerks’ Association. She also contributes to legislative work as a member of the Clerk’s Legislative Review Committee.
Katherine has been involved in the Mid-Atlantic Association for Court Management (MAACM) since 1999. She completed a 5-year certificate program in Judicial Administration through Michigan State University in 2011 and earned certifications as a Court Executive and Court Manager through the National Center for State Courts' Institute for Court Management in 2015. Katherine has also taught case management courses to Judiciary employees.
Her expertise in case management systems is reflected in her leadership role in implementing the Maryland Electronic Courts (MDEC) system for Queen Anne’s County. She continues to be actively involved in MDEC and serves as a clerk representative for the 2nd Judicial Circuit on the Statewide MDEC User Focus Group. She was a member of the Major Projects Committee for the Judiciary and served several years as the Chair of the Appeals Workgroup working with the Appellate Court and Supreme Court of Maryland representatives.
Katherine has also contributed to the Judiciary through her involvement in various committees, including the Judicial Council, the Conference of Circuit Court Judges, the Court Technology Committee, and the Marriage in Maryland Subcommittee.
Katherine holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from Lynchburg College in Virginia. She is active in her community, as a member of the Centreville Rotary Club, Centreville Methodist Church, and a Character Counts coach for local elementary schools. In her personal time, she enjoys boating and camping with her husband, Kenny, and son.
See more about Katherine Hager on the MD Manual Online.
New Queen Anne's County Courthouse Dedication Ceremony - 4/13/2019 (QACTV)
New Queen Anne's County Courthouse Groundbreaking Ceremony - 8/23/16 (QACTV)
New Courthouse Groundbreaking News Piece - 8/23/16 (QACTV)
Take a video tour of the Queen Anne’s County Courthouse (Tour 1 and Tour 2) with Circuit Judge Thomas G. Ross, the county administrative judge, and Retired Clerk of the Circuit Court Scott MacGlashan.